Chapter 31

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I was surprised to see Adriano sitting at the breakfast table. Stefano was still upstairs showering and getting ready for the morning. We were going to the gym to work out together and I was very excited. When Adriano noticed my presence, he took his eyes off his phone and sent me a smile I didn't know he was capable of bearing.

"Adriano, goodmorning...What are you doing here?" I asked him going into the kitchen to get breakfast ready.
"I came to pay a visit to my beloved cousin and his darling wife." Adriano said slowly.
"Oh okay, well we're doing fine." I chuckled, not really knowing how to respond.

"You know how to cook?" Adriano asked me, following my movements with his eyes.
"Yes, I'm making maple fennel bacon and chocolate buns. Would you like some?" I asked him. I thought it would be rude to just make food for Stefano and I alone when his cousin joined our morning.

I turned around to wash my hands then open the fridge and Adriano spoke. "I've been thinking about what you told me yesterday. Out of everyone who came to the funeral, you're the only one who actually said anything sensible to me." Adriano said out of nowhere. I closed the fridge once I had gotten all my supplies, and raised my eyebrows.

"What were most people doing there, then?" I asked him.
Adriano grinned. "To ask for favors, kiss my ass, and I assume a few actually cared about my father. Then again when you die, nobody cares." He answered.

"At least someone cares." I tried to be positive.
"Nobody cares." He repeated himself.

I found it very awkward to look at him. Adriano is weird.
I heard Stefano's descending footsteps from the stairs and As he approached us, Adriano's eyes narrowed then he smirked.

"You're about to miss the show, cousin. Your wife is about to make some honorable breakfast." Adriano teased. I made eye contact with Stefano and smiled, he returned it with a smirk of his own.

"What are you making?" He asked me, walking up towards me and looking at all the ingredients laid out.
"Maple fennel bacon and chocolate buns."
"Sounds interesting." He said lowly which a raise of his left eyebrow.

I brought out a baking rack and lined it up with aluminum foil, then I laid 12 strips of bacon on the sheet, leaving space between each strip and twirled around to find a brush and the maple syrup. "Oh, there we go." I said grabbing the items. I tried not to let Stefano and Adriano's intense gazes stir me. I dipped the brush in the maple syrup and painted each strip with the mixture. I felt like I was missing something. Once I remembered, I looked through several cabinets, looking for fennel seeds. "Mm, found you." I grabbed the plastic container and only used a sparse amount of the dry particles, sprinkling it onto the bacon. Lastly I used a small amount of black pepper to give it a strong flavor.

I grabbed the whole rack and inserted it into the oven and set it to be read in twenty minutes.

Stefano and Adriano were deep into a conversation about how they were going to initiate the new members of made men at the end of the week. Not wanting to hear the details, I had moved onto smearing Nutella onto cinnamon buns until the bacon was ready.

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