Chapter 7

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It wasn't too long before I felt like an outsider in my own home.

Every time I walked into the family room or dining room, mother and father's whispering would cease and they'd avert their eyes away from me. When they weren't whispering or sharing secrets, they would be very nice to me.

Nothing is wrong with being nice, but they were being nice to the point where I knew it wasn't normal and something was up.

I was becoming annoyed day by day but I knew I was just wasting my emotions. My parents wouldn't let me in on the scoop even if I begged.

I was itching to know what they were keeping from me.

Speaking of strange behaviors, I also picked up on how late my father stayed at work before arriving home. I really hoped all he was doing was just work.

Silently I chopped the onions while my mother mixed around the tomato sauce on the stove. I made sure not to knick my finger while I immersed myself in my own thoughts. I've been thinking of University more now that I am almost a senior in highschool. I've already looked at a few but I needed my parents' support if I was going to go. I bit my tongue as I thought of how to bring it up.

"Mother?" I asked. She turned her head to my direction. "Yes, Raelyn?"

She raised her eyebrows as she waited for my question."Um, there's going to be an open house for the University of New York. I really want to go." I told her. After saying it, I felt a huge weight lifting off my shoulders.

"What for?" She asked incredulously.

I felt taken back by what she had just asked.

"I'm very interested in the University and they're very well known for-" I started but she didn't allow me to finish.
"That's so far away." Mother said shaking her head.

Before I could respond, she spoke up. This time I hoped she'd say something in my favor.

"When are you going to wear that nice gift Stefano got for you? Don't you like it?" She asked tilting her head to the side, a frown on her face.

I felt my core shake with annoyance. How was she just going to avoid my question like that? I moved onto the peppers which I wasted no time chopping. I refrained from saying what I really wanted to say.
"It's too expensive to just flaunt around." I said making up an excuse.

The only response I got was my mother's scoff.


The next day was very lonely for me. Gigi was at home sick so I spent the day at school keeping to myself. It wasn't like I didn't have other students at school to talk to, but there was never a void being filled when I was around them.

Other students were like associates to me.
Gigi is the only person I confide in.

She and I usually walked home from school together and occasionally took the city bus. I didn't want to walk such a long distance home by myself so today I chose to ride the city bus.

As I got on, I began to feel nervous and conflicted. Majority of the seats were filled and all eyes turned to me. There was one seat available in the back but it was right next to an elderly lady that looked me up and down in distaste. Another one was available in the middle next to...Vincent Vandal.

I was beginning to wonder if I should take my chances and sit next to either of the two people or turn and get off this bus.

Knowing I was taking too long to pick a seat I just decided to go to the back of the bus and sit next to the old lady. Rejection from Vincent would hurt more and I didn't want to take my chances and get embarrassed.

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