Chapter 9

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Next Saturday Night

Feeling my phone vibrate against my back pocket, I reached for it and pressed the home button, seeing Vincent's message pop up on the screen.

I'm standing in front of your building, if you change your mind, let me know.

If anything , I had no regrets about sneaking out to go on a date, I did have second thoughts about going out so late though. Nothing good happens after ten o'clock. But at this time, most people in the neighborhood were in their beds.

What really came in handy was that my bedroom was only a few feet from the ground. I could easily jump down and climb back up. I lifted my window and made sure to keep it unlocked and cracked before expertly jumping down.

As promised, Vincent was standing in front of my apartment building. He stood leaning on a red car, his head lowered as he typed on his phone. He was probable about to send me another message.

"Vincent!" I whisper shouted. His head snapped up and when he saw me, his face was evident if surprise and joy. I ran to him and he engulfed me in a hug. "You didn't think I'd do it, did you?" I asked him in a teasing manner. Vincent pulled away and looked at me up and down. "I had my doubts." He smirked.

I took in his outfit and saw that we were matching. I wore a tank top, black leather jacket and matching leggings and he wore a black leather jacket as well with dark jeans to match. I already felt rebellious and our outfits matched the feeling.

"We're matching." I laughed. Vincent gave me a look of adoration. "Maybe it's meant to be." He said taking my hand in his. I smiled to myself as he turned around. " Bella." He said pointing to the red car.

"This is it?" I said very much interested. "It's a beauty huh? Uncle Antonio let me have it for tonight." He said and winked at me. With Vincent's slicked backed hair and strong cologne , he only intoxicated me more. I could tell he prepared well for our date.

"Oh I forgot," Vincent said alarmed. I watched as he patted his pants and then his jacket. He then looked relieved as he opened his jacket and pulled out a long red rose from the pocket. My eyes slightly widened at the gesture. Vincent handed it to me and I took it, shaking my head as he chuckled. "This is for you."

"Okay, which old lady did you take this from?"

"That doesn't matter." He laughed opening the passenger door for me. I watched and giggled as Vincent danced happily before making his way to the driver's side. I reached over and open the handle did him making it easier for him to get in.

All of this seemed so unreal to me. "Whenever we pass a car, make sure to duck your head." Vincent said as he twisted the key and started the car. I looked at him in confusion and he caught onto it. "If we are seen, you're the one who's going to get shit for it." He added. I nodded my head. "Thanks for reminding me." I rolled my eyes at the end.

He's right. I'd be in so much trouble if word got around that I was wandering the streets with a boy.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going?" I asked Vincent, showing him my puppy dog face. Vincent laughed and then shook his head biting his lip. Gosh, he's so hot.

How did I get so lucky?

About ten minutes later we arrived to a park I was all too familiar with. This was the park I met Gigi at when we were very little kids. I had just moved to this town and Gigi had became my friend. I remember it like it was just yesterday.

"Out of all the ideas in my head, I didn't think you'd take me to a park." I told Vincent, looking up at him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and brought me in closer to him.

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