Chapter 27

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Looking into his deep dark and muddy brown eyes, I knew my future was sealed. My heart was trembling, toes were curling, and my throat tight like I was put in a choke hold as I struggled for my body to remain strong.

I couldn't hide from him, I couldn't run away from him. To know that all my plans and actions were futile and brought me into the hands of a made man was painful and embarrassing. I imagined my wedding as a happy and joyful day. I imagined my husband being a man I wanted to spend eternity with, someone that I loved and couldn't imagine being without.

There is nothing to this Union. This ceremony is meaningless and only being done to rub it in my face that no matter I do, I can't and will not win. Sometimes I feel like I am cursed. Cursed to never achieve my end goal and cursed to never find true love.

As the priest continued to talk, I quickly glanced at the guests sitting in their seats. It was hard to swallow. I closed my eyes as I caught side of my mother and father, and I turned away. I knew Gigi was here somewhere but I couldn't spot her.

She was probably constructing some plan to get me out of this marriage. I hoped she'd finish it fast.

Stefano was nice enough to take my request on at least inviting my best friend to the wedding. I knew he wasn't fond of Gigi when I had to beg numerous times. I felt like I was thrown into the wolves, everyone waiting for me to break down and take advantage of my weakness.

"We shall begin the presentation of the oaths." The priest said. I closed my eyes once again, my blood chilling. I was given an overview of what this oath would be. It was a twisted tradition in our society and made every newly wedded woman afraid of her husband, even more deathly afraid to think about getting out of their hell of a marriage.

I've never been to a wedding between the higher ranks of my community, but Gigi has and told me many stories. I thought they were all myths until it was my turn to go through the process like every woman betrothed to a made man, before me.

A young boy around fifteen years of age or so who's most likely been straightened out-a term used for men who've gone or is undergoing initiation- presented us a small knife that was laid on a small, red, pillow-like object.

I bit my lip in nervousness as Stefano took hold of the knife and brought my right hand closer to him. I opened my hand, and struggled to keep my eyes open as he brought the knife closer to the pudgy area below the underside of my thumb. There was a scary flicker in his eyes that made me question what I had just gotten myself into.

"Let this presentation be a promise of my loyalty and devotion to you. I enter alive and I will have to get out dead." Stefano spoke lowly, careful gliding the knife over my flesh, a small cut of my flesh slicing open. I winced and but my bottom lip hard enough to draw blood.

He raised my hand to his lips and began to suck the blood from my wound. I didn't get to savor this horrific moment as he handed me the small knife.

I took his large and crooked hand and contemplated on whether I wanted to jab this knife into his side, or go through the oath. I went with the submissive side of me and nervously copied his actions. I slid the knife across the same area he performed on me and hesitantly raised his palm to my lips and sucked the blood from his wound.

"Let this presentation be a promise of my loyalty and devotion to you. I enter alive and I will have to get out dead." I said in the most confident voice I could muster.

The ring bearer then followed suit and presented the rings. After Stefano slid the beautiful ring on my finger and I did the same to him, he kissed me.

Of Mobsters and MenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora