"Raelyn, please." He said softly. His tone surprised me. I've never heard Stefano so gentle and broken. I didn't think he was capable of begging. He left my lips and rested his face in the crook of my neck, his hand caressing my knee.

I knew what he wanted. He was at the brink of holding his promise to me. I wasn't sure how long Stefano was able to go without sex, but I'm sure if anything, that he wanted to claim his rights tonight even though a week had not passed.

"Something's not right if your word to me has to be broken tonight." I mumbled once I got a little space from his lips. "Are you going to deny me again?" He asked this time whispering in my ear. I shuddered when his lips grazed my skin. I could feel myself throbbing in what I couldn't decipher as being need or excitement. I couldn't resist him forever, and I didn't think it would make a difference if he had me how he wanted today or next week.

"I guess it wouldn't make a difference how I'd feel about this, would it?" As his lips grew just below my collarbone, he stopped. Stefano removed himself from my body and simply stared at me. I really wish I knew what he was thinking, his face was always stoic and expressionless.

"As much as I want this, I won't push you to do anything that you don't want to do, Raelyn." He spoke with ease then paused. "But, I'm not exactly a patient man either." His eyes darkened, even with little emotion to them, they were striking. I figured he wasn't going to tell me what was on his mind tonight, but I knew for sure having sex with me was a way he was going to find release.

"No, I'm ready." I managed to reply back. Did I even believe the words I was saying? I still can't believe this is happening, as confident I attempted to sound on the outside, I was truly freaking out inside.

"You're telling the truth?" He questioned, moving back closer to kiss me. Even though he asked me this question, it never deterred him from leaving passion marks along my neck and collarbone. It was becoming very hard to concentrate. Tonight was happening, there was just no way around it. "Raelyn..." he said when I didn't respond to him.

"I am." I muttered softly. Turning my head to face his, I pressed my lips against his and ignored the nervous feeling in my stomach. I just had to get through it, that's all. Just put my fears aside and do it. It won't be that bad, right?

My mind seemed to rush through it all. I didn't remember much between our kissing and my clothes flying. I remember the feel of his hands. They were strong but gentle, an action I didn't think quite fit Stefano. He ran his fingers along my skin; down my outer thighs and calf muscle. I was too busy focusing on not being rigid and making my body relax. I just kept thinking that no matter what I thought before, it started to feel good. His hands and his lips, they just started to feel really good.

"Ohmm.." I moaned into our kiss as his fingers grazed my opening. I bucked my hips involuntarily towards his finger. I was completely in awe at how his demeanor could quickly change so suddenly and scared at the same time for what was to come next.

"Rae," Stefano called my name and I turned my head to meet his face. "You have to relax or this will hurt more." He said, his eyebrows furrowed slightly as he looked down at me. I nodded my head as my eyes glanced from his brown eyes to his full lips.

Stefano lowered his head and kissed me. Unexpectedly, he pressed his finger into my opening and I cringed hard at the discomfort, but his lips moving against mine distracted me from the new feeling. I moaned again and again as his finger started moving slowly back and forth inside of me. The feeling started to subside as I slowly eased into it and made myself relax more into his body. I assumed that he would be cold and rigid in the way he has sex. I believed in the rumors and expected, like with all his other women, that he would be more overpowering and controlling. Instead he was patient and careful, manners I definitely did not expect from Stefano. He made me feel safe and comfortable about the unknown.

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