A New Moon

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A/N: Play music before starting all five parts to set the mood. Enjoy! :D


She was fair like the moon and brighter than the distant stars.

She was as kind as summer and her smile just as warm.

She was as graceful as a flying bird.

She was perfect.

She was mine.

But she was not of my kind.

She was Ilwani, a race gifted with magic and sorcery. And she was magical.

I keenly remember the day we met. Merry larks sang at the sight of the aurora, as my beloved moon faded and gave way to her brighter sister. I closed my eyes as a zephyr blew over me, and I took a step into the soft snow blanketing the ground. I had no idea that this step would bring new life into mine.

A cold gust of wind prickled the skin of my face, and I felt in my bones that it was the perfect time for a run. Shocks of dark grey fur spread over my skin as I dropped on all fours. My back arched, and I let out a low rumble as my bones shifted, muscles stretched taut, and my insides found new homes.

Fully shifted, my senses sharpened as I surveyed the forest to determine my path. I let my wolf take me as we leaped through the trees with exquisite grace.

I saw her as I neared the edge of my territory. She hovered at the border, arms outstretched and eyes closed as she lived entirely in the moment. Long raven hair billowed freely at her back, obscuring her face like a curtain. I waited for a moment and was rewarded with a glimpse of her features once her hair shifted-face turned upwards, rose-lips smiling gently, dark eyelashes closed over pale cheeks.

She was unmistakably beautiful, but she was Ilwani. Dangerous. Their full capabilities hidden from my kind.

She seemed to be enjoying the breeze, and I watched on, mesmerized. Though these woods were mine, I observed her discreetly, intent upon the reactions taking place. My mind was telling me to leave her alone. The Alpha in me wanted to question her motives. But my instincts told me to stay.

She began humming - a soft melody that called to my soul, and embraced my heart in warm tenderness. It was the most angelic voice I had ever heard. There was a sultriness in it, the kind that draws you in and leaves you craving more. That's when I knew that I was a goner. I needed to come near her. I needed to know her.

So I did something strange. A wolf is never seen in his woods if he doesn't want to be. But I let her see me.

She opened her eyes and they darted straight at me as if she knew I would come. She came near me, crossing the invisible line of our border, and crouched lower, to my wolf's height. I found myself staring at the most enticing green irises. And then it came to me in full impact.


My heartbeat quickened. I could feel it hammering rapidly in my chest. A constellation of emotions flooded through me in an instant. It was surreal-the feeling of completion. I was finally whole.

She tucked a misplaced strand of hair behind her ears as she smiled happily. Her face glowed under the bright sun, her eyes twinkling like the stars.

"I've dreamed of you," she said. "I've dreamed of us." She pointed at herself and my wolf.

I wanted to shift back to my human form but I couldn't afford to shock her with immodesty. So I settled with licking her face.

She chuckled.

Oh Goddess, even her laugh was beautiful.

"Oh!" she exclaimed as if she remembered something. She grabbed a robe from the bag she carries and carefully placed it on the grass in front of me. Taking a few steps back, she smiled once more. "Go on, you can shift now. I'll cover my eyes and I promise I won't peek." She giggled.

And she was adorable too.

I shifted right after she covered both of her eyes with her hands. Quickly donning the black velvet robe that she offered me, I strode to her and gathered her in my arms. She gasped from the sudden gesture but eventually melted into my embrace. I buried my face on the crook of her neck, taking my time to memorize her scent. This woman was mine and I swore that I would never let her go.

That day, I was the luckiest man alive.

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