"Oooo, pickle juice!" I twisted off the cap and let the sweet taste tickle my taste buds.

I could drink pickle juice for days.

Atcher stepped back out of the pantry.

"I see you've found your pickle juice"

"My pickle juice?"

"Yes, you blackmailed me into buying you pickle juice and Jolly Ranchers, so I could get you to stop singing. It was that song Shower that you sang when I took you to school. There was this one part that you sang for a good 45 minutes and you would not stop. So, my only option was to get you pickle juice and Jolly Ranchers and then you made me pick out all the blue ones or else you'd start singing again"

Wow, I'm smart when I'm drunk.

"What part was it?" I wondered.

"La da de, La da da, La da da" he croaked, hesitantly

I busted out laughing.

"Okay now I thought" I stopped and started laughing again "I was a bad singer" Tears started coming to my eyes from laughing so hard.

He was terrible.

I mean, very terrible.

I could see Atcher turning a little red.

"Oh shut up would you, or else I'll call Grandpa Lou" he smirked

Yup. That shut me up. I was still pretty embarrassed about yesterdays events.

"Care to tell me more about what I did last night?" I asked, curiously. I wanted to know every little thing I said or did.

"Care to tell me how you came up with the idea of shower monsters?" He smirkingly teased

"I talked about those!?"

"It gets even better" he laughed. "You asked me to take a shower with you"

"Ohh my gosh, please stop" I exclaimed, while burying my face into my hands.

I don't think I've ever been that embarrassed.

"Okay, enough about last night. What do you wanna eat?"

"I will get you to tell me what I did"

"Nahhh, you can just try to remember"

I rolled my eyes. I really was hungry, I haven't eaten anything since I scarfed down a bunch of alcohol.

"Got any popcorn?"


"Uh yeahh"

He put a bag of popcorn into the microwave.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked

"Um sure"

He let me pick a movie and I chose The Heat.

By the time I chose the movie the popcorn was done.

"Don't eat it all before the movie starts"

"I'll try not to" I said, while putting a few in my mouth

I sat down on the edge of the couch and Atcher was on the other side.

I saw Atcher moving closer.

He scooted up beside me, my body tensed.

I thought he was going to do the classic yawn, stretch and put the arm around the girl.

But, instead he picked up is arm and got some popcorn.

Lost In His Armsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن