Chapter 18. There's An "End" In Best Friend.

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Students and death eaters lay dead, blood staining the stone floor beneath them.

Ally rested her head back against the cool stone, dirt covered her pale skin, her chest rose and fell rapidly as she took deep breaths.

She searched and searched, but still she was unable to find her brother and Lucy.

Green light shot passed Ally, and she pressed herself closer to the stone, her wand clenched tightly in her hand, the wood dug painfully into her flesh.

But, with a deep breath, she pushed herself from the stone and turned down the corridor.

She froze in place as she was met with Bellatrix Lestrange holding Chris to her, and standing next to Lestrange was Fenrir Greyback with Lucy.

"Ally help!" Lucy called, Chris swallowed and watched his sister helplessly.

Ally's eyes darted between the two.

"You have a choice, take your brother, and run away like the cowards you are. Or, don't and die with him." Bellatrix said with an evil smile.

Ally felt her chest tighten, she watched her brother's eyes pled with her, she couldn't let him die.

She wouldn't.

Bellatrix smiled triumphantly, and released Chris, Ally grabbed him and pushed him behind her.

But it was then that she realized that Fenrir Greyback still held Lucy against him, she went to move forward but it was too late.

Lucy let out a blood curtling scream as Greyback sank his teeth into her neck.

Ally stood shock still, Chris was frozen behind her, his grip on her hand excruciatingly tight.

Blood splattered onto the stone walls, Lucy clawed at Greyback, but to no avail, her terrified eyes bore into Ally's, then, Lucy went completely limp in Greyback's hold as the life drained from her young eyes.

She tried to move, but it was as if time had frozen, Chris stood unmoving behind her as she glanced back at him.

The two Death Eaters stood unmoving as something shifted in the shadows, Ally watched as a cloaked figure ran and dropped to the ground beside the lifeless body.

The figure tore their cloak off and placed their gloved hands to Lucy's bloodied face.

Mary sobbed as she stared at her little sister's corpse

"I'm sorry." Ally said and Mary tore her gaze from Lucy's.

"You're sorry?" Marry repeated as tears slid down her face.

"I didn't think." Ally said as she stepped forward.

Mary let out a humorless laugh, it chilled Ally to the bone. Mary's tear clouded eyes bore into Ally's.

"You are always sorry, but you never change. How many more lives will it take for you to realize that you always do the same things? History repeats itself, but this time Lucy won't come back, like I did. You were too caught up in your own life that you didn't think about how it would affect anyone else!" Mary stood, blood covering her dress and hands.

Ally flinched as she saw the blood drip from Mary's hands.

"All I asked of you was to be there for her, but in the end, you failed. You were supposed to keep her safe! But you didn't, and now she's dead. My little sister is dead. She let her guard down, and you stabbed her in the back." Mary said and Ally watched the fury dance in Mary's eyes.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, or her." She said and Mary shook her head at her.

"It's too late. I thought I had forgiven you for what you've put me through, but I've come to my senses, in the time of Time Makers, you are exiled from the forest." Mary said.

Ally's eyes widened in fury and she watched as Mary bent down next to Lucy once more.

The small potion bottle fell out of Ally's pocket as she raced towards Mary, unware that the potion she drink was what she had thought it was, it had been a draught brewed to make her do something highly frowned upon.

Mary didn't have time to react as Ally drove her wand down with all her strength, the point of the wand pierced through Mary's dress and then broke through the skin between her shoulder blades.

Mary's eyes widened as she felt her heart being punctured, then she fell onto her sister's corpse.

Mary Dragonwood was dead.

The fury that danced in Ally's eyes faded, replaced by something else.
Regret? Fear? Sadness?

It was unclear, even to Ally herself.

Ally dropped onto her knees, she touched the dark substance that was flowing from around her wand between Mary's shoulder blades, she pulled her finger back and looked at the bright red blood.

She glanced back at her wand and with one sharp tug, she pulled her wand from her best friend's back.

She looked up in time to see the two death eaters desperate.

She looked back at the two corpse's in front of her, her knees ached from the stone, but she didn't care.

She heard a rumble and Ally looked up at Chris, who stood frozen, he stared horrorstuck at Ally.

"Chris, wait!" Ally called as her brother back away slowly, he shook his head and dashed away.

She looked at the blood that stained her clothes and skin, it was sticky and warm, the world seemed to spin as she realized what she had done.

She had just murdered her best friend.

Her throat felt unbearingly tight, and the feeling spread to her chest, she fell to the floor a few feet from Mary and Lucy.

Ally clawed at her throat, desperately trying to get air that would not come to her lungs, but it was in vein.

Her head rolled onto her shoulder, her eyes stared at the wall, unmoving.

Alexandria Bane was dead.

They were all dead.

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