Chapter 7. A New Animagus And Josie's Back!

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Lucy's POV~*~*~Edited~*~*~


Chris has been acting really strange since Ally had told us to leave her, it's almost like he's another parson. "Chris? Are you okay?" I asked him, he had his eyes squeezed shut and his mouth was set into a thin line. "Chris?" I tried again as we walked down a street in the small town. Still nothing. "Chris!!!!" I yelled, that seemed to get his attention. "What? Sorry, was I zoning out?" He asked me, as he looked sideways at me. "Yes. Are you alright?" I asked. "Yeah..." He said. "No you're not, I can tell. Now tell me what's wrong." I said as I stopped in place firmly. "No real- oh okay, fine. Come with me." He began but looked at my face and softened and said that at end. "Okay." I said and followed him towards an off street that no one was on. "What's going on?" I asked once we had stopped. "I feel horrible because I could have helped my sister, I really could have." He told me. "Don't, it's not like you can use magic outside of school." I said. "No, not in that sense. But.... Okay, can I trust you not to tell anyone?? Not even my sister?" He asked unsure. "I promise." I said confused. Chris closed his eyes and his face got tight. "What are y-" I began but stopped when I saw Chris disappear in the blink of an eye. "Chris?" I asked looking around, there was a bark and I looked down. Where Chris had been standing was now a snow white wolf. "Chris?-" I asked unsure. It barked as if to say yup and I'll be right back and then he ran behind a building.

He came back a minute later putting his coat on. "Where did you go?" I asked. "When I change back sometimes I'm wearing clothes and sometimes I'm not, so I wasn't sure what would happen. Had to be safe." He replied. "What are you?" I asked. He grinned. "An Animagus. I can change into a wolf at will." He told me. "How do you become one?" I asked. "It's not easy, I've been trying for three years but today I finally was able to become one. Why? Do you want to be one?" He said/asked. "Yes." I told him. "Are you sure? Because it's not easy at all." He asked/told me. "Yes, I'm surer then I ever have been." I replied. "Okay, well, usually only people who know spells can do this, but I guess it's worth a shot, we'll just have to cut out the part using spells. Here." He said and took something out of his pocket and handed it to me,it was a- leif? "What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked as I took it and looked at it. "You have to hold it under your tongue for a month, don't take it out otherwise you'll never get anywhere." He said. "Why did you have it in your pocket?" I asked him rising an eyebrow. "I had to keep a supply because I kept taking the leif out of my mouth." He replied. "Wait what day is it?" I asked before I put the leif in my mouth. "The 12th. Why?" He asked. "Because it's my 13th birthday." I said with a bit of trouble talking 'cause of the leif.

"Oh, well Happy Birthday!! And, I think you might find it easier not to talk that much while you have the leif in your mouth." He said. "Thaaaaaanks." I mumbled as I tried not to let the leif fall out. "Hey, we better get out of here. It's too easy for someone to see us, wanna see if there's a tavern to get something to eat? I have some money." Chris asked. "Sure, but you'll have to teach me how to eat with this Leif in my mouth." I told him as I got a little bit more used to having this Leif in my mouth and was able to talk better with it in. "Alrighty. And hey! Your getting the hang of this already, it didn't sound like you had a gum ball in your mouth when you talked." He told me and I just smiled at him, and with that, he led the way out of the street.

Ally POV.

"Hello to you too little sister." She said with a smirk. "How did you escape Azkaban?" I asked my 'sister' Josie. "I escaped with the others who escaped a few months ago, and that's all I'm going to say about that." She said. "Okay fine. Now, what do you want?" I asked her annoyed. "I don't want anything from you. But The Dark Lord on the other hand-." She left it hanging in the air as she looked at me darkly. "What does he want?!" I asked her worriedly, she smiled at that, but not a pretty smile, it was the kind of smile that was cruel and unforgiving. "He wants you-" -she walked up to me and poked me hard in the shoulder as she said that- "to join us. He says your power will give us many benefits, that you'll be able to steal information from the Order. I on the other hand, do not think you will give us any benefits, any help in hearing the Orders plans. Because you. Are. Worthless. You have the weakest mind I have ever seen, I was able to tap into it with ease when I got you in the Orders house. So, you think you are wise enough to join us? The Death Eaters? Or are you too scared?" She said and ended with a taught. Josie didn't even have time to react before I kicked off my shoes and lunged at her, knocking her to the ground I leaped onto a low and strong tree branch and parched there, -my toes that were now covered in mud- clung to the tree branch as I had one hand on the tree to stay put.

Josie, -who now had a big bright red gush across her right cheek and ended at her left ear- sat up and looked at me shocked, but she then covered it up with that scowl she seemed to always wear. "So, that's a no then?" She growled. I bared my teeth at her -one of the benefits of being an Metamorpmagus and Animagus, you can do that sort of thing to scare people- "That's a big. Fat. No." I growled back at her. "Okay then this is wonderful, because The Dark Lord said that if you refused, then I get to kill you." She said and leapt up, then crouched down into a defensive pose. "You will always be the weak one Josie, you have been since mum and dad died. I can bet you that they're turning in their graves out of disappointment." I told her as I began to get ready to shift into my cheetah. "Don't you dare talk about them! They left us, and if they're disappointed in anyone it's you! You're the one who let our little brother get taken, so shut up with that bloody sob story of yours." Josie hissed at me. "It's your fault they left us Josie, if you hadn't gone out that night when mum and dad told you not to, and you hadn't insulted Grayback to your friends when he was walking near you in the forest on a full moon, you wouldn't have gone missing, and mum and dad wouldn't have gone looking for you, and then mum and dad wouldn't have been killed by that blood thirsty were-wolf in you. You could've stayed and taken care of us, Chris and I needed you! But you left like the coward you are, and joined that were-wolf and He-Who-Must-....." I stopped and took a deep breath, "Voldemort." I said and instantly regretted it as soon as it had left my mouth because there was a few loud popping sounds and then two Death Eaters came and stood behind Josie. "Oh Merlin, here we go." I muttered under my breath and grabbed my wand, I was too quick for those Death Eaters as I stunned them before they could even blink, then I looked at Josie and stunned her as she glared at me. I jumped off the tree and landed on the balls of my feet, I brushed off my jeans and sweater and got the heck outta there, I disappeared from the scene with a pop.

Chris POV.

Lucy and I were sitting by a window eating the fish 'n chips we got for lunch, when we saw Ally run by the window and stop, she walked backwards and turned her head to look at us, then she ran and disappeared from our view, not for long though, because she came into the dinning area we were siting in and pulled a chair over sat on it, then she started to eat the rest of my fish 'n chips. "Ummmm, hi?" I said. She looked up at me, and just chewed on the fish. "Well then!" I said and both of the girls laughed. "Sorry Chris, just really hungry and I don't know when I'll get to eat again. Anyway, we need to finish here, the Death Eaters are after us." She whispered. "Okay." I told her and pulled twenty dollars of muggle out of my wallet. "Where did you get that? I never gave you any money." Ally asked. I winked at her and said. "No need to worry about it." I laughed at her face as she just looked at me.

We exited the tavern and speed walked down a street, Ally looked over her shoulder and turned back quickly and pulled us into a run. "What's wrong?" Lucy asked her concerned. "Death Eaters just ran into the tavern we were in." I said and pulled us behind a building, she whispered something that would make it so they couldn't follow us and then we disappeared with a pop.


Word count: 1,691.

Hellooooo my fandom friends!

Sorry for not posting a lot, been super busy, and haven't been very well as of late. Stupid Corhn's!
But I'm feeling better now so hopefully I'll post again soon.



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