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Third Person​ POV.


Ally awoke on a cold stone floor, she pushed herself back so that she was sitting on her knees and looked around confused. The last thing she remembered was Mary telling her that she had a sister and that she wanted Ally to find her, then she saw Mary get sucked into that portal. And then everything went black.

"Who are you?" Someone asked from behind Ally, who stood and looked into the shadows where the voice had come from. Ally didn't respond, she just continued to peer into the shadows, trying to see who was there.

"Who are you?" The person asked again, it was the voice of a young boy, that was all Ally was able to tell with out seeing the person. "I will only tell you who I am, if you show yourself to me and tell me who you are first." Ally said finally, she did not wish to play games, she just wanted to know who this boy was and what time and place she was in.

"Fine." The boy huffed and stepped out of the shadows. Ally stood there in shock as she looked at the boy before her, he had short light brown hair so much like her own, hazel eyes, and he looked to be about 12 years old. "My name is-" he began, but Ally cut him off. "Christopher, it's me, Alexandria Bane." "Ally?" He asked with wide eyes. "Yes." Ally breathed, as a smile slowly made it's way onto her face.

Chris grinned and ran to Ally, hugging her tightly. Ally hugged him back, just as tight, she found her little brother, or rather he found her. Her little brother was here, with her. Her little brother who had been taken from her when their parents died. She had finally found him, and she was never going to let him go again. And on her life, she would keep both him and Mary's little sister safe, when she found the girl of course. For she was Alexandria Bane, Metamorpmagus,
Animagus, Time Maker and Witch. She was done with being afraid of her older sister, she was done with being afraid of Voldemort. She was done with being afraid.

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