Chapter 12. We're Safe.

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Ally's POV.


Chris and I were currently sitting in a small dinning room, Bill and the woman who I learned was named Fleur, Bill's wife, had said that we needed to wait down here while they try to heal Lucy in a bedroom upstairs.

My leg was shaking nervously, while Chris was bitting his fingernails. He had told me how when he found Lucy, she was tangled in seaweed on the seawall.

There was a sliver snake bitting her, killing her. He said he  was able to get his wand out to get rid of the snake, but not before he too, was bitten by that horrid snake.

Chris said he used a spell to make it catch fire under water and he freed Lucy and swam up to the beach. When I asked him how he had held his breath for so long, he said he used a bubble head charm.

After Fleur had healed him while Bill took Lucy up stairs quickly, she had said to wait here and then she followed her husband upstairs. And so here we are, half an hour later. In the same place we had been half an hour ago.

"Ally?" Chris asked me, his voice pulled me from my thoughts and I looked at him. "Yes?" I replied softly. "Do you think Lucy will be okay?" He asked me. "Yes I do, Lucy's strong, so I don't think she'll give up that easily." I said with a small smile.

After about another half-hour​ Fleur came back downstairs, Bill following closely behind her. She and Bill came and sat across from us. "We were able to heal Lucy, I'm sorry it took so long, there was just so much to heal." Bill said to us, Chris sighed relieved, and a small grin graced his face.

"So she's okay? Can I go see her?" He asked. "Yes, she'll be just fine. And maybe in an hour or two, she's resting right now."  Fleur told him. "Okay." Chris said and he seemed to be a bit disappointed that he couldn't go and see how she was doing.

"Are you two hungry? I can make us some dinner." Fleur asked and stood. "Starving. Do you need help? I'll warn you I may be a bit rusty in my cooking skills, but I'd be happy to help." Chris said. "Sure." Fleur said and with that the two left for the kitchen.

I looked at Bill to see him starring at me. "What?" I asked self conscious. "Nothing, I'm just trying to figure out what that is around your neck." Was his reply. "Oh, that's just my Raven neckless. My Aunt gave it to me when I was young, it was my mother's." I replied as I took it and held it in my hand to show him.

"It's lovely. And you know I can teach you a spell to fix that little ding on it." He said. "What ding?" I asked as I looked it. "There." He said and touched his finger to where there was a little bit missing on the bird's left wing, the tip was gone.

"Oh, no that's alright. I think I'll just keep it the way it is. Thanks though." I said and placed the Raven back under my shirt collar. "Okay." He said and sat back in his chair. "So, Ginny tells me that you worked for the bank. What's it like?" I asked him and he began telling me all about what he did.

After about an hour and a half Fleur came to tell us dinner was ready and so we headed for the dinning room. "Where's Chris?" I asked as Bill, Fleur and I sat at the table. "He went to see if Lucy was up." She replied. I nodded and went to grab a bread stick, but Fleur slapped my hand away.

"We do not eat until everyone is seated." She told me sturnly. "Fine." I sighed. I was looking down at my plate humming to myself when Bill caught my eye. I looked up to see him looking downwards, I followed his glaze to see that he was holding a bread stick out to me below the table.

"If you'll excuse me a second I'll be right back, I'm going to go and see what's holding Chris and Lucy up." I said and stood, taking care not to show the bread stick in my hand as I walked from the room. I was bunching on it as I walked back into the living room when two people came tumbling down the stairs, they were laughing like mad and paid no attention to me standing there.

My bread stick lowered from my lips and I opened my mouth several times to say something before I just shook my head and began eating my bread stick again. Chris finally looked up and blushed as he looked to Lucy who was on top of him, she rolled off of him and he stood and helped her up.

"Hi." He said to me, I raised a dark blue eyebrow as I ate my bread stick. "I like your eyebrow color, I wish my could change color too." Lucy said trying to start a conversation. Nither of them realized I knew what was going on here, I wondered how long it would take for them to figure it out themselves.

I sallowed the last of my bread stick and looked to Lucy. "Thanks. I see you're feeling better?" I said/observed. "Oh yes, I feel fine aside from a bit of an ache in my lungs." She said. She looked different, only slightly though.

Her black hair seemed to have a blueish tint to it, her blue eyes glamed with a faint bit of black and there was something dark peaking out from under the collar of her t-shirt​ on her skin.
This was unusual, none of it had been doing that before she had almost faced Death at the beach. I would have to ask Fleur and Bill about it later, maybe they knew what was going on.

"Come on, dinner's ready and Fleur and Bill are waiting." I said and then turned on my heel and walked back into the dinning room with Chris and Lucy in toe.
We all sat and began to eat, I knew one thing though, Chris was thrilled that Lucy was okay. So were the rest of us. I was glad to know we were safe. For now.


Hello Sweeties.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. What are your thoughts? Comment down below on what you think is going to happen next.

Ta ta for now darlings. ❤

Xoxo, Caitlyn~

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