Chapter 16. Life Isn't Worth Living If You Don't Live At All.

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Third person POV.

Ally sat upright suddenly in her bed, sweat made her hair stick to her neck. She looked around the dimly lit bedroom and saw Chris and Lucy sleeping soundly in their beds, Ally let out the breath she didn't realize she had been holding in.

Was it all a dream? Was Mary really still alive? Ally took a few deep breaths to calm herself and began to lay back down when the window blew open with a bang.

Ally jumped and stumbled out of the bed and to the window, her wand held tightly in her hand.
She made it to the window and her hair was blown behind her by the wind, there was thunder and lightning outside and she wondered how Lucy and Chris were able to sleep through it.

She peaked out the window carefully and could've sworn she saw a wolf on the beach, but that didn't make any sense. There were no Wolf's around here.

She closed the window and locked it, before she decided she wanted a glass of water to calm her nerves.

She left the bedroom and walked downstairs as silently as she could and entered the kitchen, she took a glass out of the cupboard and filled it with water at the sink. She took a sip and turned around.

"Hello Starlight." A girl with burgundy hair said calmly from where she sat at the table.

The glass slipped from Ally's hand and shattered on the floor.

The girl's sliver eyes seemed to freeze Ally in place as she stood from the table and walked slowly over to Ally, her black dress flowing around her with each step.

"It has been a long time, I see you've changed your hair." The girl laughed slightly with a smile.

"Who are you?" Ally managed to get out afraid of the answer.

She tried to grab her wand, but no matter how much she tried, she was unable to move.

The girl in front of her wasn't blinking.

"You don't recognize me?" The girl said and she seemed troubled and hurt.

"No." Ally said as she studied the girl carefully.

"How about now." The girl said and closed her eyes.

The girl's hair turned brown with a black tint and when she opened her eyes, they were dark brown.

"Mary," Ally said as it clicked.

"Yes?" Mary said with a half smile.

"Release me." Ally finished and she could move again.

"You're welcome." Mary said and walked over to the table.

She closed her eyes and her hair went back to burgundy, she opened her eyes and smiled at Ally.

Ally walked over to the table and sat across from Mary.

"You have a lot of explaining to do Dragonwood." Ally said and Mary smiled sadly at her.

"I know, but I don't have much time to explain where I've been. I just had to give you something." Mary said and took something out of a small bag.
She handed Ally an old looking letter.

"What's this?" Ally asked, there was no name on it and it had a wax seal on the back.

"Open it, it'll explain everything." Mary said.

Ally took a deep breath and opened the letter.

"The secret isn't a secret if everyone knows it.

The key isn't useful to you if you can pick the lock.

Life isn't worth living if you don't live at all.

Do what they could never do,
And save them."

Ally read the paragraphs on the piece of parchment and furrowed.

"Mary, this makes no sense." Ally said and looked up.

Mary was gone. A howl came from outside and and Ally ran to the window, a black wolf stood on the beach and made eye contact with Ally. It barked and then it was gone as lightning struck.

Ally looked at the place where it was stood only a moment ago, before looking at the paper.

The final battle was about to take place, and she had to be ready.

She took her wand and cleaned up the broken glass, before she left upstairs with the letter and her wand.

There was a lot that had to be done before dawn.


Happy New Year!
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, even though it's shorter then the others.

The next chapter will be in third person and will take place during the battle of Hogwarts, I'm working on that now so it'll be up as soon as possible!

Fair warning, the next chapter will be kind of sad.

With war, comes great sacrifice.

Anyway, thanks for reading!

Much love,

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