Chapter 14. Love That Was Thought To Have Been Long Lost, Is Found.

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Ally POV.  ~*~*~Edited.~*~*~

I was dreaming about a huge library when I was pulled out of that wonderful dream and into a weird one. I was in Shell Cottage but it didn't seem right. as I walked passed the bathroom I saw the mirror move, I backed up and went into the bathroom to inspect the mirror. It seemed normal so I turned around and was about to walk back out when something tapped my shoulder which caused me to jump. Spinning around to look at the mirror once more I saw nothing​but my reflection.

"What the hell is going on?" I said to myself as I frowned at the mirror.

I started to see something else in the mirror, something that wasn't in this bathroom with me.

"Hello!" Someone said cheerfully and I jumped as I saw another face appear in the mirror.

"How did you get in this mirror?!" I asked alarmed.

The face rolled it's eyes. "I could tell you, but I don't feel like it. I think I'll just show you." The face said and smirked at me.

"Wha-" Before I could finish my sentence, sliver hands like the mirror itself reached out and grabbed my shoulders.

It pulled me through the mirror and I kept my mouth shut as I didn't want to get a mouth full of glass or whatever this was made of and closed my eyes.

I felt grass under my body and I opened my eyes.

"Get up you lazy lump!" I heard the voice ​of the face from the mirror shout in my right ear.

"Bloody hell! That hurt!" I yelled as I pushed myself up and rubbed my sore ear.

Looking to the right I saw the face from the mirror, it's face was attached to it's body.

It looked human, but not quite human. It was sliver and had pointy ears like an elf, it's hair was long on one side and was short on the other. The right side which was the long haired side was a periwinkle, while the left side that was short was a firey red. There were little red frickles across their nose and cheeks, they had a heart shaped face and lovely light purple colored eyes that had little golden specs in them. Their right side of their lips was periwinkle and the left was cherry red, it was to match their hair I presume. They had half a blue dress on the right side of their body and pants and a black t-shirt on their left.

"Who are you? Why did you take me here? Where is here?" I asked as I looked around at all the trees puzzled.

"We are Kerry and Jerry." Was their reply. 

I looked at them. "Kerry and Jerry." I repeated.

"Yes." They said.

"Okay then." I said and then asked again. "Why did you bring me here?"

"We were asked by Ms. Dragonwood to bring you here and that is what we did. Good luck." They said and before I could stop them they disappeared in a puff of yellow smoke.

The name kept repeating in my head, Dragonwood. It couldn't be could it? My thoughts were interrupted by someone calling my name. It sounded familiar so I followed the way it came from,
I came to a small clearing. There was a boy with his back to me, he turned around as he looked up at the sky and I saw he was wearing a midnight blue shirt that looked like a pirate's ​shirt, ridding pants and ridding boots. He looked down and saw me and broke into a grin, which caused me to grin as well.

"Ally?" He called to me to which I nodded beaming.

We ran towards each other and he picked me up and spun me around as I threw my head back as I laughed, he placed me down and took my chin in his hand as I stood on my tip toes, our lips touched. My hands found their way to his long blonde hair that I missed so much and I played with it as we both began smiling into the kiss. We finally broke apart and rested our heads together.

"I missed you Ally." He said softly as he breathed in the smell of my hair, I smiled at that.

"I missed you too Aaron. How on earth did you find me?" I asked him as I hugged him tightly.

"I had some help, remember you told me how you were a time traveler? Well I knew what must've happened when you dissappered that night, and so I waited." Aaron said.

I saw something move out of the corner of my eye and turned to my right, the trees seemed to move out of the way as did the vines as a path formed. I looked at Aaron.

"Should we go that way?" I asked him.

"I guess so, but stay behind me in case something else is there." He said.

"Okay." I said but before we could take a step forward, two people walked in front of us.

"Follow us." They said and turned and began walking down the path.

I looked over at Aaron, he looked unsure. But I made up my mind and decided to follow the two people. This could be a huge mistake, but I was always very stubborn so we'll see what happens. Aaron caught up with me and placed his hand in mine, I looked over at him and smiled a small smile. And with that, we entered the Raven's Nest.


Hey guys!
*Cringes* I've never written anything like this before, and I don't know how I feel about it. I'm not huge on writing mushy stuff and I have no idea what I was thinking at the time.
Sorry this was so short, but Wattpad deleted most of the chapter and I was too mad to continue writing the whole thing again.


Caitlyn. (TheWhovianHalfBlood).

The Cheetahs Return. (Discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن