Chapter 4. It's Not Much, But It's Home.

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Ally POV. ~*~Edited~*~

I tapped the thickest and highest tree with my wand, it began to open until it was the shape of a door. There in the tree was a wooden (of course) door, with a bronze doorknob with a lock and small window about the size of a football. I placed a key that had been around my neck in the lock and turned, the door opened and I stepped in, I lit the tip of my wand and walked further into the small flat, I stopped when I realized that Chris and Lucy weren't behind me. "What're you two waiting for?" I questioned with my brows knitted together. "H-how is that possible? Where did you go? This- this isn't possible, no there must be some trick to it." I heard Lucy say in a whisper, Chris, who was behind Lucy looked around her to me and shrugged. "Magic. Lucy, it's magic. And I'm in here, if you walk in you'll see that it's nothin to be afraid of." I told her. Being raised by Muggles really had made it harder for her to grasp the fact that there was magic in the world, real magic not that stuff that some Muggles claim is magic.

Lucy took a shaky step forward into my flat, then proceeded to walk in, she came to a stop next to me. "Remember to shut the door behind you Chris!" I called back to my brother as I led Lucy up some steps. torches on the wall began lighting by them selfs as I walked passed them, each one casting shadows on the small stairwell as we passed. "How are they doing that?" Lucy asked from behind me in a small voice. "Wait let me guess, magic." She answered her own question before I even opened my mouth. I smiled at her over my shoulder, "see, you're already starting to get it." I told her. "Yay!" She said sarcastically which made me frown. "Hellooooooo lady's! Chris said as he ran up the steps to catch up with us, I heard Lucy jump when he did that. "Don't do that!" She said, I stopped and turned to see her clinching her chest as she breathed heavily. "Sorry." Chris said and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Really though, don't do that again." I told him. "Fine." He said looking down at his feet. I pressed my lips in a tight line as I turned back around and went up the last few steps, we reached a (real shocker here) wooden door, with a bronze doorknob. I opened it and stepped in, instantly the torches and fireplace lit. "Welcome to my flat!" I said loudly as I walked into the middle of the room and opened my arms wide with a grin on my face. "It's... Wow, this is so... Magical." Lucy said as she looked around.

My flat had two 7 foot high bookcases full of books on the far wall, a small fireplace on the left wall with a Raven painting over it, my bed with it's blue quilt and sheets on the right wall, and a coach in the middle of the room with a small table in front of it. The kitchen was behind one of my bookcases. "It's not much, but it's home." Chris said. "It's lovely. But, here do you sleep?" Lucy asked Chris, Chris pointed to the coach and said. "There." "But, you can't possibly be comfortable." "Oh I am!" Chris said happily as he ran and jumped on to the couch, landing on his back, he put his hands behind his head closing his eyes. I rolled my eyes. "He doesn't actually sleep on our couch, we turn it into a bed at night." I told her. "Oh." She said relieved.

I waved my wand and Chris fell onto the floor landing on his stomach and face as the couch turned into a twin sized bed, I waved my wand again and the table turned into another twin sized bed. "Is that for me?" Lucy asked as she pointed to one of the twin beds. "Yes. You didn't think I would let you sleep on the floor did you?" I joked. Lucy smiled. "Thank you." She said as she went to set down on her bed. "Ow." Chris groaned on the floor next to his bed, we ignored him. "Do you like it?" I asked Lucy. "Yes, I love it!" She said with a bright smile. "Oh, don't mind me. I'm just gonna lay here, no need to help me up or cheek on me. Really I'm find!" Chris said from his spot on the floor. "Good to know." I said. "Oh look, my nose seems to be bleeding." Chris said. "Don't bleed onto the rug." I told him as I went to my bookcases, I tapped the book that would open the secret passage with my wand, and the two bookcases moved apart to reveal the kitchen. I went into it and opened the fridge, I took out a bottle of pumpkin juice and opened it. "Want anything Lucy?!" I called. "Water would be lovely!" She called back. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water, then I walked back into the room to see that Chris was sitting on his bed rubbing his nose, he glared at me as I walked over to Lucy and handed her her drink. "Thanks." She said, I nodded at her and walked to my bed and sat at the foot of it. "What?" I asked Chris as I took a drink. "You didn't even ask if I was okay!" Chris said glaring at me, I swear if looks could kill I'd be as dead as Lily and James Potter.

"You're alive aren't you?" I asked raising a brow. "Yes!" He exclaimed annoyed. "Then you're okay." I said shrugging. He stuck his tongue out at me. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw it was 4:30am. "We should get to bed guys, I'm tired, I know you're tired Chris 'cause you're always tired, and I'm sure you're tired after all you've been through Lucy." I told them. "You're right, I'm gonna get changed." Chris said as he went into his trunk and grabbed his pajamas, he then went into the kitchen and through the door that led to the bathroom. "Here Lucy, these should fit." I said as I gave her a pair of my old pajamas. "Thank you Ally." Lucy said. "No problem Lucy." I said as I walked over to my trunk to get my own pajamas. "No, I mean thank you for everything. If it weren't for you and Chris, I'd still be in that horrid place. Thank you so, so much Ally!" Lucy said then ran over to me and hugged me, I could feel the air leaving my lungs. "Too.... Tight!" I gasped. "Sorry!" She said letting go, her face was pink from embarrassment. "It's fine. And you are so very welcome Lucy." I said with a smile. "Done, and now I'm all set to go to sleep. Nighty night!" Chris said as he ran in and jumped onto his bed. "I'm gonna get changed." Lucy said and left to the bathroom. When she was done I went in and got changed into my black and blue pajamas. When I was finished I went and got into bed. "Good night." I said to Lucy as she got into her bed. "Night!" She said sleepily. "Nighty night Chris." I told him. "Good night sister!" He said. I turned the torches off with my wand and with that I fell into a dreamless sleep.


Word count: 1,283.

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