Chapter 2

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Liam's POV

I hear the house phone ring as I awake from my slumber. I look over at my clock. 4 am? I decide to ignore it. Probably some Toll Free call. When the phone rings again I know that I need to answer it. I groan and I get out of bed and head to the hallway to answer the phone.

"Hello?" I say, half awake.

"Yes is Mr. or Mrs. Payne there?" asks a man with a firm voice.

"No. Who is speaking?" I ask back. 

"This is Officer Bridges. Are you related to Lynn Payne?"

"Yeah I am her brother."

"It seems there are been an accident." 

"What?" I say as I walk down the stairs. I glance out the window. Truck is gone. 

"Your sister got into a car accident. She is at the hospital right now."

"Um....ok. Thanks." 

"Please contact your parents."

"Ok. Thanks for calling," I say as I try to hang up the phone. Before I get the chance to, I hear the click and notice the officer has already done so. 

I grab my coat and almost head out the door when I realize, I have no car to drive myself to the hospital. How am I going to get there? I then call the only person I know who could possibly to up at 4 am on New Years.

"Payno! What has you calling me at this hour?"

"Harry I don't have time to talk. I need you to come pick me up and take me to the hospital."

"Woah slow down Payno! Wait, don't you have a car?"

"If I had a car would I be calling you? Lindy used it and got into a car accident. I need to get to the hospital!" I shout back into the phone. 

"Woah slow your roll man. I'll be there in a few," he says.

I hang up and head outside. I can't waste anytime waiting indoors so I decide to stand in the driveway. The snow is deep. What was she thinking driving in this weather? What was she doing driving at this time of night?

Before I could think another thought, Harry arrives.

"Which hospital is she at?" he asks.

"Um...I don't know. The cop didn't tell me."

"If she got in a bad accident I'm guessing they took her to General."

"I guess."

"Hang in there man, I'll get there as quickly as I can."

I'm surprised Harry isn't his usual, annoying cocky self. I guess when it comes to times of need he ditches his normal personality. 

A drive that usually takes 10 minutes took 30, but we finally arrived. He drops me off by emergency and I run inside, almost slipping on some ice. I storm to the front desk.

"I'm looking for Lynn Payne," I say to the receptionist. She types the name into the computer and looks at the screen.

"Lynn Payne...ah here she is! She was just brought in and is now in surgery," she says.

"Surgery! For what!" I shout back.

"I don't know it doesn't say."

"I need to know! I'm her brother!"

"I'm sorry sir, but you are going to have to wait. I don't have the information with me."

Just before I scream at the receptionist once again, I feel a hand on my shoulder. 

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