Elegance - Seth Rollins

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"Oh c'mon."






Jojo North pressed her lips together in a hard line as she bantered with her long time friend and boyfriend, Colby Lopez. He had not looked up from his phone the entire time she pleaded with him. He was a stubborn one.

"Just let me practice braiding hair on you once. Just once! And I swear I will never ever touch your hair again. Ever."

"No." Jojo crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a long cold stare. Without looking up he sighed loudly.

"Why can't you practice braiding someone else's hair. Like another girl's. Go find another girl." 

"Do you see anyone else in my locker room? In fact I don't even remember inviting you in here. Come on, I just really want to try this pretty braid called a waterfall braid."

"Do I look like the kind of guy who let's girls put pretty little braids in my hair? Why don't I just go from blonde and black to pink and black while I'm at it."

"You obsess over your hair more than I do."

Jojo let her arms fall to her side with a guilty look. Colby continued scrolling through twitter on his phone with an impossible to read face. It made her more frustrated. Sometimes he really could be mean. Jojo sighed in exasperation and flopped down into a chair, pulling at her bracelets with a sad expression. Colby noticed her silence and looked up at her. He sighed once again and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Okay. Okaaay, okay. I'll let you braid my hair once. Just this once! And don't you dare tell anyone I let you." Jojo ignored his empty threat and practically leaped for joy. Her eyes instantly lit up.

"Oh yay! Thank you, thank you." She placed a loving kiss on his cheek and he couldn't help the silly smile that spread across his face. 

"Yeah, yeah. Just hurry."

He pretended to be indifferent, but he couldn't help relaxing deeply at the gentle touches on his scalp. He wasn't sure how much time had passed when she finally spoke up.


"Hmm?" He murmured almost sleepily.

"I'm finished. Take a look."

Colby groaned indigently and stood up slowly. He made his way over to the mirror to inspect this "waterfall braid". He wouldn't admit it out loud, but it actually did look pretty cool.

"Not bad." He stated flatly. A mischievous smiled crossed her face as she poked his side.

"Don't lie. You think it looks cool." Damn. She knows him well. 

"Okay, yeah. You did a pretty good job." He smiled happily down at her, circling an arm around her to pull her close. She peered up at him with her large innocent eyes. Dem eyes get him every time, he thought. His smile grew warmer as he leaned down to place a gentle kiss on her lips. When he straightened back up a small giggle escaped her.

"Oops, I got some lipstick on your mouth."

"You did?" Colby turned to the mirror and sure enough, his lips now looked red and slightly glossy.

"Ah man. This stuff will come off right?"

"Hey, Colby.. we go on in..." Jonothan trailed off as he abruptly opened the door and caught sight of Colby. Colby whipped around in surprise at the sudden intrusion. Jonothan stood mouth agape for a few seconds at the sight of his team mate with braided hair and bright red lips. He looked between his tag partner and Jojo. Not even a couple seconds later he burst into laughter.

"Pffffft, hahahah!"

"No, Jon stop-"

"Hey Joe, come look at this!" Jonothan called into the hallway.

"No!" Colby tried to rush over to close the door but the curious Joe was now standing behind Jon. Colby froze on the spot and put his hands out in front of him.

"Oh my God..." Roman said in quiet shock, his eyes growing wide.

"Wait no, I can explain. Jojo, tell them." He turned around hoping for support, and to his dismay, found her in her own fit of laughter. Whipping back around, Colby desperately raked his fingers through his hair, loosening the braid. He finally got his hair back to normal, but he was sure his cheeks matched his now red lips.  

"He begged me to braid his hair." She laughed, poking his side again.

"Oh, c'mon!" He pleaded, his voice raising up 2 octaves, as he bounced up and down. Joe and Jonothan were basically doubled over each other in laughter. Colby could feel his face burning bright red and covered his face with his hands.

"Alright, alright. Sorry man. Just come get us when you're ready." Jonathan finally said once he caught his breath before wandering off. Even though Jon was out of sight, Colby could hear his laugh still echoing through the hallway. Joe was hanging his head in shame, shaking it while trying to suppress his own laughter.

"Yeah yeah. I'll be out in a sec."

"Alright. Bye ladies." Joe winked before he followed after his team mate.

"Those guys." Colby sighed in exasperation. He soon felt a pair of small arms circle around his waist from behind and uncovered his face.

"I'm sorry." She giggled into his back. He took her hands and freed himself from her arms to turn around and wrap his own arms around her.

"That's what I get for caving in." 

"Oh. Don't be a baby." She smiled up at him, warming his heart. He cupped her cheek gently before giving her a few soft kisses.

"You're lucky you're so damn cute."

"Am I?" She arched her brow at him and a small laugh escaped him.

"I would love you no matter what you looked like."

"Colby.." He smiled once more before touching his lips to hers again. He couldn't care less if her lipstick stained his lips. He'd go through everyday with lipstick all over him if it meant he got to kiss the girl he loves. Maybe he was just a romantic. But he didn't care. The things he did for love.

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