Are You Ready? - Aiden English

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Here is a *super* special story for a super special friend of mine! It's a little long... but I really wanted to capture a sweet romantic air for the whole thing. It's fluffier than pink marshmallows and I really hope it leaves your heart smiling. TheBadNewsAddiction, this one is for you! :D

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"Be sure the youngest is in bed by 9:00pm sharp."


"And make sure they get all their homework done. They like to slack off."


"If you hear them awake after bedtime, don't hesitate to put your foot down."



"AJ, I got it!" I shouted into the phone. My big brother, AJ Styles, is heading out of town for a much needed vacation with his wife. His life has been crazy busy ever since his return to the WWE. I volunteered to look after his four lovely children while he's away. I don't mind at all. I've always loved kids. It's kind of my dream to have one or two of my own someday. It's something my husband, Aiden English, and I have thought about a lot. But the time just never felt right. This, however, is as close as I can get to having my own at the moment and I'm perfectly okay with that. After some ushering I finally got AJ to hang up and started preparing our suitcases for the week long stay. I did so with an extra spring in my step. 

The next day, it's finally time to head over to AJ's. We arrive and talk for a while over coffee until it's time for AJ and his wife to leave. Aiden and I see them off then return back inside to put our things away before the three oldest kids get home from school. The youngest of the four is still an infant. I creep to the doorway of the bedroom he is sleeping in. He shares a room with his older brother. I peek into the bedroom to see him fast asleep in his crib beneath the window. I scan the room with a soft smile. It's such an endearing sight. The panda crib fits perfectly underneath the window, the fish mobile hanging from the ceiling above it moves gently with the early summer breeze blowing in. The walls are a light soothing sea-foam blue and the carpet a dark navy hue. Pictures hastily drawn in crayon are taped all over the walls and the brother's race car bed has it's sheets thrown messily over it. Toys scatter the floor and are overflowing from a pirate's treasure chest toy box. Aiden creeps up behind me as I lean against the door frame and circles his arms around my waist.

"He's cute, huh?" He whispers close to my ear, quietly so as not to disturb the peaceful scene.

"So cute." We stand there nearly mesmerized for a moment when the sound of a horn alerts us to the presence of an arriving school bus. Aiden and I head down the stairs to greet the three oldest kids returning from school. Two older girls, one in middle school and one in elementary, and the younger girls twin brother. 

"Hi auntie Ashley, hi uncle Aiden!" They greet us with explosive excitement and give both of us warm hugs. Introductions out of the way, Aiden squats down to eye level with them with a mischievous look in his eyes. 

"So... have we got any homework?"

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