The boy in the polka dotted bikini, Chap. Three

Start from the beginning

"Sorry Mama" I said and kissed her cheek. She groaned but didn't badger me anymore. I walked downstairs too see Kane, playing some stupid game. He was wearing black loose fitting skinny jeans, and a dark blue plaid shirt. He was wearing matching converse.

"Let's get going you two, we still have to pick up Melody and Candy" my mom said, as she ran a hand threw her already straightened black hair, and fixed her eye liner a bit. She was wearing a beautiful strapless red dress, that clung to her stomach and flowed from waist all the way down to knees. She looked absolutely stunning, and I was proud to say that lady was my mom. "Damn It. That bastard fucking cheated" Kane hollered, and My mom hit him on top of the head. "Owe" he whined, and she sent him a look.

"No cussing around me" she said, and he just shrugged a shoulder. I giggled.

"You got yelled at" I murmured under my breath, when he walked by and got a swift kick to the knee.

"MOM KANE JUST KICKED ME!" I hollered, and his eyes widened.

"I did not, she is so lying!" Kane screeched, and my mother groaned.

"This is going to be long day" she groaned, as we all got in the car. Kane and I racing for the passenger, the bastard won and stuck his tongue out. My mom looked at the time, and gasped. "No wedding for us, but we can make the reception" she said, and I smiled. I wasn't into weddings, and didn't want to go. So I was happy we didn't have to go. Fifteen minutes later, and squeezed in the back between Kane and Melody since Aunt Candy kicked Kane out of the passenger seat. I was admiring Melody's dress, she had her hair straightened and teased, her dress was tight in the chest area, and loose and baggy around the waist but was tight again at the bottom. It reached mid thigh, and was black. Her converse matched her black dress.

My aunt candy was sporting her usual dresses, tight and short. This one was a light blue and her blonde hair was straightened. When we pulled up to the reception area, we all just kind of sat in the car. "We can still turn around" My aunt candy said, looking at my mother. "No. Let's go" she breathed out and we all climbed out. I pulled out my cell, and was texting Caliber who still hasn't showed moving our relationship out of the friendship zone yet. "Caliber?" Melody asked, and I nodded.

She sighed, and we looped our hands together. Candy and my mom were huddled together, and Kane was walking in next to me. Music was blaring inside the building, and when we walked in it seemed like everyone slowed down. "JERRY" a high pitched voice screamed, and I guessed she was the bride came running towards us. She was the only wearing a beautiful, huge white ball gown. She was very pretty, I thought as she pulled my mom into a huge hug.

"Hello Caroline" my mom said, as she hugged her.

"Introduce, Introduce" she said, and with that everyone began to talk again. A very stunning man, with light brown hair that was cut in a usual boy cut, and humorous brown eyes came. Wearing a tuxedo, he wrapped his arm around the woman who I now knew as Caroline. "Caroline you already know, Candy" she said and my aunt candy gave her a short glare and turned away. Odd. "This is her daughter, Melody" she said, and Melody waved a little but then looked away, falling in her mothers suit. "Kane" she said, and my uncle did a little wave. "Wow, You have grown" she giggled, and Kane laughed nervously before wrapping an arm around me protectively. "Last but not least, my daughter Willow" she said, and her eyes widened even bigger.

"She looks a lot like..." my mother cut off the groom with a short answer.

"Don't say it Eric" she said her voice barely a whisper. I was suddenly in worry mode. Melody shot me a look and I gave her a shrug.

"Long time no see" My mother said, looking up at the groom who I now knew was Eric. "You look good" he said, and my mother just shrugged.

"We have a lot to talk about" my mother said, her eyes narrowing and he nodded.

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