Daniel's Birthday

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Hey! You! This is important to understand about the story so.. psssssst! (I'm so weird I'm sorry XD)
Anyway, sorry if this bugs you but it's a time skip to spring time twords the end of the year and it's more on the warm side when everything is blooming. This chapter isn't taking place in the snow, if it did, that would be cold XD.
Also this will be the last chapter of this book but! I've had a sequel planned out for a while which I will explain next chapter (with ought giving too much away) But anyway.. enjoy~!

~(Y/N)'s PoV~

        I rock on my feet as I wait for the familiar door to open. After a short while the door opens to a smiling Daniel, and before he knows it I leap in and tackle him.
        "Happy borkday!" I shout laughing. Borkday is what we say instead of birthday, it was a thing as long as I could remember for us.
        "Thank you!" He laughs steadying himself. "Y-you look great!" He says scanning me over. I giggle and thank him. I was wearing a simple (F/C) dress with a white flower crown.

(Make your favorite color)

       Daniel's mom soon came into view and waved to us

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

       Daniel's mom soon came into view and waved to us.
        "Let's go you two" she says. We get in the car listening to music singing super loud as we drive to the park for Daniel's party.

------One imaginary singing montage later------

        When we arrive there were decorations everywhere, fairly lights hanging from the trees and tables with food and games everywhere.
        Since Daniel was turning 16, we wanted to throw him a big party, even though sweet 16's were for girls. He's close enough.
        Soon the guests arrive and the party really begins. There were people playing games, music playing, people eating, laughing, talking. All seemed to be perfect.
        "Who wants to play blind tag?!" I shout talking out a blindfold. Daniel, Garroth, Aph, Katelyn, Travis, and-forcefully- Zane comes over being dragged by Aph.
        "Okay, since Daniel is the borkday boy, he should go first?" I ask and everyone nods.
        "Okay, rules are simple. Stay in the taped off area so whoever is it knows where to stop so they don't hit any trees or anything." I say pointing to a hexagonal area that had tape around poles to help guide the blindfolded person. Everyone nods again and a wrap the blindfold around Daniel.

~3rd person PoV~

        Everything starts out great, Daniel is spun around and put into the area blindly stumbling around. No one notices two where's approaching, one with black ears and yellow tips And the other with red tips.
"Hey! (Y/N)!" the one with yellow tips shouts. (Y/N) looks up and then and gasps.
"Justin!?" She shouts taken aback. (Who remembers him from the first chapter~) She feels anger rise in her chest but she holds it back as everyone was looking.
Meanwhile, Daniel is wandering around blindly unaware of the blue eared wherewolf coming up to him.

Omegas Together~ ( Daniel x Reader ) |Complete|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora