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~Daniel's PoV~

"I really hope she's okay..." Jordan says his head in his hands.
"Me too..." I trail off looking away from him. (Y/N) was taken to the hospital due to the injury being bad.
I sigh and get up to throw out my un-eaten lunch out. Please be okay (Y/N)...

~(Y/N)'s PoV~

I slowly open my eyes reviling a bright light. I try to sit up but a jolt of pain shoots down my back like lightning jolting me back down. I groan and my eyes adjust to see a hospital room and my hovering over me with a concerned look.
"Mom...?" I ask I a groggy voice.
"Hi honey" she waves then opening her arms but closing them again. "Sorry forgot I couldn't touch you... could injure you more while your in the sever stages of healing." She says explaining her actions.
        "It's alright Mom, I love you" I say trying to comfort her.
        "I love you too honey" she replies tears forming.
        "No! Mom don't cry I'm alright!" I say trying to ignore the actual pain in my back.
        "I-I know it's just hard to see your baby in the hospital" she says her tears trickling down her cheek. I smile and she returns it as a doctor walks into the room.
        "Ah your awake!" The doctor says cheerfully.
        "Yep" I say simply honestly just wanting to leave besides the pain.
        "You should be hospitalized for the rest of the day, we were just going to give your pain medication for the day." She smiles and hands me a pill and some water. I nod my head in thanks and she walks out. This is gonna be a long day.

--------------------Time Skip------------------------

Jordan and Daniel help lower me onto the couch. And I wince in pain as my back bends an awkward way.
"Are you sure you want to sit on the couch (Y/N)?" Jordan asks, as it is cushy and uneven.
"Yeah, I'm sure." I say and adjust to the position. "Thank you both for the help! It's really appreciated" I continue now comfy.
        "Anything for my best friend!" Daniel says happily and I giggle at his statement.
        "I just want to make sure your alright, (Y/N)" Jordan says rubbing the back of his neck.
        "Thank you" I say to him with a closed eye smile. I swear I hear Daniel growl but I didn't say anything, could've been something else.

         We watch (S/F/M) (Second favorite movie) and hang out until Jordan has to go home.

       "Until next time M'lady" he says to me kissing my hand in a joking manner. I laugh and push him a bit as he waves to Daniel walking out.
        "What was that about?" Daniel asks slightly sounding annoyed.
        "It was a joke, I guess" I reply in pausing the movie. Daniel turn his head to the window and squints his eyes at Jordan walking away.
        "Calm down Daniel, your along like my Mom, growling at every boy I cross!" I laugh and he turns his head awkwardly laughing with me. I hit him slightly in the arm and give him a small hug doing the best I could to not bend my back and he smiles. Thats what I like to see.

---------Time skip-(Two days/ Friday)-----------

       I pull on my skirt to my uniform sighing that I have to go to school again. My back still hurt but it was a lot better than it was before. Dang present day technology. I laugh to my self and pull my hair into a pony tail (if it's not long enough just leave it down ^^).
        "Morning Mom!" I say giving her a hug from behind.
        "Morning sweetheart!" She replies turning to me. "(F/B) for your day back to school!" She continues handing me a plate of (F/B).
        "Thanks mom!" I say and eat happily. My Mom is one of the best moms out there. I'm pretty lucky to have her despite her overprotective qualities when it comes to boys. Not that I'm looking for anyone quite yet.

        "Well, I'll be off!" I say finishing my (F/B). "Love you Mom!" I say. She replies and i skip outside to Daniel waiting on the curb as usual.
        "Hey!" I say happily and he looks up smiling.
        "Expected you to be less cheerful to be going to school" he says getting up.
        "I don't know... just had a burst of positive vibes" I say realizing I have to go to school and the vibes disappearing.
       "At least your back is better I see" he says.
        "Yep!" I say popping the 'p'. "Shall we go?" I asks and he nods.

        We walk to school chatting and cracking jokes like usual until PDH comes up into view. I sigh and ask, "How can you love a school so much but just hate it?" Daniel laughs and shrugs his shoulders.

---------------Time skip to lunch!-----------------

I sit down at my usual table taking out my (f/s), (f/s) and (f/d) and begin eating happily. Daniel comes and sits next to me and the usual happens until Jordan comes over. I swear I could feel the aura suddenly rise from Daniel.
        "Hey (Y/N)! Hey Daniel." He says sitting down. "You mind?" He asks.
        "No not at all!" I say with a closed eye smile.
        "Awesome!" He replied and filed she hands. "So... with the holidays and all the ice ball is coming up as well!" He says.
        "So it is!" I say happily, I love the holidays! Family and friends gather together all as one happy family celebrating the wonderful day! Even the ice ball was exciting!
        "Any plans?" He asks.
        "Not that I know of.." I say thinking to the date. "Wait.. won't this be your first ice ball?" I ask.
        "Yeah, but my school had something similar called a snow dance. It doesn't see as cool as the one here though!" He says staring off into the distance probably remembering back to his old school.

        The conversation switches off to something else and we chat for the rest of the period, Daniel not saying anything. Wonder why. The bell rings and I finish the rest of the day, a thought only just hitting me. Why did Jordan bring up the ice ball in the first place? Did he plan on inviting me?
        My face heats up at that thought but I shake it away, no! I'm not worth a great guy like him.
        I shrug it off and meet up with Daniel to go home, I wouner who I will be going with to the ice ball...

1117 words

Wow! Doesn't it see as if the holidays come up so soon! Well to me the just came out of now where, can't wait for the count down! Just Friday! Also the ice ball is based off something my school does ever winter, it's really cool but I'm probably gonna make it wayyyyy better in the story XD. But as always....

Have a wonderful day!


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