Chapter 1: I Don't Do Pigeon Carriers

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"You can choose any beds on the corners." The girl with long black hair said behind Lucy. "Me and Sam are sleeping on these bunks." she gave me a slight smile that was somehow comforting and less intimidating as Lucy's big enthusiastic grin.

Her and the girl next to her we're both smiling at me, I walked over to the corner bunk on the right side of the room that gave a clear view of the lake through the window.

I set down my bags and start putting things in the drawers when I look over at my brother being bombarded by Lucy's flirting skills.

Typical girl.

She was doing the casual, "flirt and act like an idiot while twirling my hair so that he thinks i'm pretty and that I understand his clever jokes."

My brother was doing the casual, " I don't want to fuck you but i'm still gonna flirt with you so i don't lose you as an option for later" bit.

"So where are you guys from?" she said batting her eyelashes in hopes to... I don't know blow him away with her falsies?

"Oak Ridge." he said laughing at her display of effort.

"Aren't you a counselor? I remember you from last year, you were the one with the awesome long shot in soccer." The girl with dirty blonde hair spoke up from behind them.

"Yeah, for Purple team across camp." He said turning to face the girl. "This is my 3rd year at Camp, Bree's the noob over here." He said pointing to me.

I rolled my eyes throwing one of my socks at him, the girls laughed while he threw it back at me making it land square between my eyebrows.

Curse him and his football arms.

"Bree I'm gonna go head over to my cabin and scope out the new meat, if you need me shoot me a text.... oh wait" he said grinning slyly at me. I scowled at him as he left, turning my attention back to my bags.

"What's he talking about?" The girl with long black hair said chuckling at our previous conversation.

"Ellie! You can't just ask that, what if it's personal?" Lucy said being a tad overdramatic.

So that's her name. Ellie.

"No it's okay," I said giving a small chuckle. "I did something really bad before summer started and my mom took away my phone."

"Ou we got ourselves a bad girl. Spill bad girl!" Lucy said plopping herself on my bed.

"You see, that's a personal question." The girl with dirty blonde hair (who I expected was Sam) said with amusement in her voice.


"We still have two more people joining this cabin." Sam said looking down at her phone.

How they got signal out in the middle of nowhere? I don't know.

My stomach churned at the thought of meeting even more people, I wasn't exactly the social butterfly of my family. That was definitely Jackson.

"I can't wait for the welcoming party tonight." Lucy said getting up from my bed and throwing herself onto what seemed was her bed.

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