Chapter 10~

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You guys ready to find out what happens?                            ~Shari!!xx

The one thing running through my head was death. I just wanted to end it so badly. I wanted to end all the bulling and abuse. I didn't want to live this life anymore. If I don't do this James will beat me so hard one day that I won't be alive. So why wait?

Dear Journal,

I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore. I know I said 5 more days, but I can't wait 5 more days.

You wanna know what Nick did to me today. He told everyone that I cut. The whole fucking school knows. And I bet you that they are all sitting at school, laughing at me. Because I'm me. The ugly, cutting, Faggot.

I don't know what I did to deserve this...

Mum, I'm sorry. I know that we were just starting to get along. But I can't live this life. Not anymore.

Cal, Mikey. Thank you. Fuck, thank you so much for being my friends when I was bad. Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for caring even though I told you not to. I love you guys because you're the closest thing I had to a family. So thank you.

Ashton....Oh Ashton. I know we were only friends for a short amount of time. But I'm happy you became a friend. I'm sorry that I'm putting you through this. But...I have to go...I'm sorry...I love you...I was scared to admit it to myself at first but I guess I'll except it. You're amazing and perfect and deserve someone prettier than me. I hope you forget about our little friendship. I hope you fall in love and have kids, just like you told me you wanted. I hope you live the life you deserve to live. I'm so sorry. I love you...Goodbye..

Love, Luke

Once I was finished writing the note, that had blood spats on it and tears. I set down my book and cried while slicing my arms. I finally found the pills and opened them.


I ran.

And fuck I ran fast. One thing was sitting in my mind while I was running and it was raining.


I needed Luke. He had to stay. He's my everything, I know its only been like a week since we've met. But I love him. I need him to stay.

I didn't think it was possible to fall in love with someone so quickly but I'm pretty sure I fell for him the very first day I saw him. He's beautiful and he doesn't deserve getting beat up everyday. He doesn't deserve to be pushed so hard that he feels the need to cut. He deserves to be loved. And I wanna be the person who loves him.

As I think this I run up to his doorstep and pound on the door. "Luke. Let me in, please!"

When I got no answer I drab bed the door handle and found that it was unlocked. I quickly got inside. I was soaking wet but I didn't care because my main priority was to find Luke.

I ran upstairs and went to the first door. I opened it and was hit with the smell of weed and beer. I coughed and closed the door.

I never like hearing or seeing people cry but I was so happy to hear a sob come from across the room. I quickly ran to the bathroom door and opened it. I was extremely happy to see Luke breathing and alive.

So the next thing I do is take the pills and through them away. Luke sobs again.

"No, w-what are you doing?" He yelled and cried at the same time. "Why would you d-do that? I have to go Ashton. I can't do t-this anymore."

I quickly cupped his face. "Why? Why do you wanna go? You can't leave. There's so many people that love you Luke."

He sobbed even louder. "No there's nobody that loves me. My dad fucking abuses me Ashton. I get bullied by everyone. Nobody loves me."

I swallow should I tell him? Is this a good time? Oh well fuck it.

"I love you!" He gasps and looks up with tears still running down his face. "I love you so much. I love you more than I have loved anything in this world. I don't care if we've only known each other for a week, but I love you. And I can't loose."

He looked at me for awhile. Before he started crying again. He wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me. I sighed and hugged him back.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Ashton." He cried.

I shook my head. "No don't say sorry, you don't need to apologize. Its okay!" I whisper.

After a while I finally stand up, with him still in my arms. And I carry him all the way back to my house.

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