Chapter 3~

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"Hey Ashton, you going to fridays party?" Nick asks from behind me.

"Of course I am!"

He nods and walks past me. I sigh and glance over to where the blue eyed boy was sitting. I swallow and jog over to Calum and Michael.

"Hey guys!" They both look up! "Hey Ash!" I laugh at how they say my name in sync.

"Do you guys need a ride back home?" They nod at my question.

I smile at both of them and wave for them to follow me. They do and soon we're all piled in my car. The radio is blasting Greenday and Michael's playing air guitar while Calum and I sing.

I don't sing in front of anyone else except for them. I love music and all but, I don't like to sing much.

As soon as I drop the boys off I drive back to my house where I walk inside the empty flat. I sigh before running to my room. I take a quick shower, before slipping into a pair of boxers, and laying in bed.

I can't go to sleep because my mind is filled with that beautiful young face. I know that hes younger than me because I don't have any classes with him.

He had bright blue eyes, as you already knew, blonde hair that was hidden by a penguin beanie, which I found adorable. He was wearing a white Ramones t-shirt, black skinnies, then the outfit was finished off with a white pair of converse. He looked amazingly adorable.

Wow Ashton you don't even know the boys name, and you're already crushing in him. But you can't blame me, can you? He's so pretty. Oh my god I just called a boy pretty...What happened to handsome? Woah he's got a huge effect on me.

This will be a long night...


I don't remember getting out of bed. Or getting any water, but I do remember hearing the door open. James loud voice boom through the house. I also remember almost dropping my cup when he came drunk into the kitchen. I remember how he grabbed my hair and yanked me back. I remember the worst part too.

The part where he pushed me against a wall. Or the part where he started undressing me. Me screaming and begging for him to stop. Him calling me a worthless fag. Saying that if I was going to be gay, he was going to show me how bad it could be.

I remember thinking. He's going to rape me. Help. Oh god please stop. Then thinking. He's raping me. He's fucking raping me. I remember struggling to get away from him. Then finally being able to think. He just raped me. Ive been raped. Why me?

But now I'm curled up in a ball. My pillow soaked in tears. The pain increasing in my back as I shook with fear. Blankets piled on me. Feeling warm and cold at the same time.

I've got to get out of here. I can't let my mom know about what he did to me. I should go live on the streets, where I'm safe. I may end up cold and hungry, but its no different than what I feel right now.

I'm officially broken.

Oh poor poor Lukey...Keep up the voted and comments please!
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