Teenage!Chief Pillars

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A group of four teenagers were strolling through a very packed mall. These were Zain, Djin, Dayang and Ganz, and they looked about like the every day typical teenagers many would see in public. 

Zain, a brown-haired, clean-shaved boy. Probably the type to be the goody-two-shoes what with how neat he dressed. A green bag was slung over his blue shirt with a only a word written across it in cursive bright yellow letters: Sunshine!

Standing very fondly close to Zain, blabbering non-stop but constantly casting burning looks at every passer-bys, was none other than the black-coated, baggy-eyed emo Djin. Under his black coat he wore even more black clothes. Though, judging by the shades, the shirt he was wearing was more closer to grey than the coat. He wore ripped jeans to complete the whole picture, making him look like a boy who has serious sleep deprivation and paranoia; not one to be messed with.

Behind the two boys, a girl glared at them sulkily. Her unseen hair was turbaned in a red flower cloth. A similar patterned wool jacket was draped over a light, pure white knee-level dress. She seemed to be pissed about something, though the 'something' was clearly obvious.

Last but not least, the one who might possibly look like the dad of them all, was none other than the bulky Ganz. Amongst all the others who wore like they were going for a fashion show, he simply wore a plain sea blue t-shirt and shorts. Like, really shorts. His exposed muscly thigh was especially attracting several girl's attention, what with him acting like a strong guy too, with all the shopping bags slung around both his meaty arms.

So these were the four teenagers, who were simply just having a walk through a mall to loosen up before Monday, or also known as doomsday, came.

"You two idiots chosen a restaurant yet?" grumbled Ganz from behind. His voice was so loud people from within a five metre radius would be able to hear him, even in this noisy environment. "We've been walking for miles and these arms aren't going to hold that long."

"Alright, alright," Djin snarled impatiently, turning to face him and walking backwards to keep up with an awe-looking Zain. "Since you're so hungry, let's just go eat some fast food."

"Djin," Dayang pointed out coldly.

The emo boy only managed to turn around just in time to swerve a group of incoming people. Dayang took this chance to grab Zain's free arm towards the nearest fast food restaurant.

"Hey!" Djin called indignantly, as Ganz passed him without a word, going after the other two. "Wait for me!"

When Djin had caught up with them, the three were standing with amused smiles at the entrance. Djin only scowled and did not talk to them.

"Someone's a bit sulky," Dayang teased, smirking wickedly by Zain's side.

"Am not!" Djin protested, his eyes flaring up, while Zain looked confused.

"What are you angry about, Djin? Is something bothering you?" he questioned concerningly.

Djin's anger immediately ceased, like water poured over fire. How could he stay angry anyway with that calm, soothing tone of Zain's. Djin put on an expression he hoped to be natural.

"Ah, nothing. Just that I'm hungry, you know."

Realisation dawned on Zain's tanned face. "Oh, yeah. Me too, actually. Can we get a seat already?" he asked.

"Yeah, of course," Ganz said, trying to hide an amused grin.

The bulky boy led the way through the tables and chairs until they found one unoccupied one. They instantly rushed towards it before anyone could claim it: it was the unspoken rule in the cities - especially during peak hours. Fastest, claimers.

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