Ruli #2

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He had done it big time.

He had just done it.

A bright red balloon was now what represented Ali's face. In the boy's sweaty hands held a pair of trousers. Though, it used to be the trousers Rudy was supposed to be wearing for the performance if it weren't for the fact that Ali had stumbled halfway up the stage in his own hastiness and accidentally clung onto Rudy's trousers for support.

The crowd was so silent it was as if they were holding their breath, anticipating. Ali did not know what to do. He had probably just embarrassed Rudy to the limit the lad would most likely punch the living daylights out of him the moment he stood up. 

He didn't want to look at Rudy's reaction. He did not want to his angry expression. Instead, he glanced nervously behind at the crowd, and instantly regretted it at once. 

Their eyes were like a hundred million lasers glaring down at him. Judging him. Probably criticising him. Ali wanted to run. Hide. Get away from this humiliating, shameful event he had made a total disgrace of himself. He's going to be remembered as the worst performer ever-

Though what he expected next was not what happened at all.

"Are you...OK?"

Fearfully, Ali looked beside him to see that Rudy had bent down and was offering him a hand, wearing the most curious expression he had never seen before on his features. Was it...concern?

Ali quickly took his hand, but almost slipped again because his hands were so thoroughly sweaty. Luckily, Rudy had enclosed a stronger grip on his hand so that he did not. 

To Ali's utter surprise, despite his legs like jelly, he managed to stand up beside Rudy, facing the crowd. A whisper swept through the many students. They were probably impatient they weren't starting yet, oh how he will be mocked-

"Look at me," Rudy ordered.

Ali directed his frightened gaze at Rudy. He expected Rudy to chuck him off the stage, screaming at him words of disgrace, but then-

"Don't look at them," he said in an arrogant grunt, as the crowd began to swell with conversation - insults presumably. "We can do this, alright?"

Ali looked down at Rudy's bare legs and gulped. It was his fault Rudy was going through this alongside him. And he's trying to cheer Ali up - what had Ali honestly done to deserve him?

"You ready?" Rudy whispered.

Ali took in a deep breath, straightened his suit and nodded glumly. 

The performing arts professor coughed audibly through the microphone. He waited for the swelling crowd to quieten down before announcing, "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present, Ali and his partner, performing 'The Other Side'!" 

Alright, that pretty much explains the 1800's suits.

Rudy and Ali had just taken their seat behind a counter-like prop right before the music students in the corner started.

"Right here, right now," Ali muttered in a flustered tone. "I put the offer out." Rudy was smirking encouragingly at him. 

"I don't want to chase you down, I know. You. See. It." Ali continued slightly more confidently. "You run, with me, and I can cut you free. Out of the drudgery and walls. You. Keep. In."

Ali slapped the counter twice and out of nowhere, came sliding an empty bottle of wine. This was getting interesting.

"So trade that typical, for something colorful. And if it's crazy, live a little crazy." Ali threw the bottle to his left, and did not hear it smash. "You can play it sensible, a king of conventional. Or you can risk it all and see..."

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