Inviuro (Djin x Zain)

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Zain was beyond exhausted. He had just returned from a secret mission in Southern Cyberaya, concerning about someone having accidentally let loose of a couple of experimental ducks.

It may sound ridiculous, but those ducks had camouflage and super speed abilities so it was rather hard to catch all of them. His prediction skills simply did not help him too, because they were ducks. Though he rather thought he caught some quack-like laughter, as though he had just ran past their hiding spots.

When he entered Headquarters, it was to find a stunningly handsome man standing at the entrance.

He internally groaned. Don't say that he has been waiting here ever since he left-

"My beloved," Djin smiled. Zain swore his heart had skipped a beat. "I've been waiting here for the past five hours. How were the ducks?"

"Chaotic," Zain sighed. He had to look down to hide a grin.

"Oh, you mean it was fowl? Lol get it, fowl?" Djin laughed, slapping Zain right on the back.

It was as though a sudden instinct pulled over him. Zain grabbed Djin's hand from his back, pulled it, so that Djin was forced to be twirled around facing him.

Djin was stunned. What the hell just happened?

But before the Inviso Chief Pillar could process anything, there was a gentle brushing of lips on his own. The feeling was soothing, admirable, addicting. He wanted more. Just when he was about to return it back, there was a strangled shout from above that made the startled duo stumble back.

"FOR PETE'S SAKE!" Ganz yelled, his eyes on the verge of popping and his hands possibly pulling chunks of hair out of his scalp right now. "GET A ROOM WILL YA?"

"Sorry sweetheart," Zain winked. "Catch you up later."


"Can you hear the screams of my late mother?" Djin said delicately, apparently oblivious to Ganz's tantrum.

"Continue this tonight?" Zain asked.

"Absolutely," Djin smirked, as Ganz continued yelling his head off in the background and occasionally smashing his head into the silver walls.


Ideas contributed by lixzan and Lynx_Nightmares

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