Zassoon #2

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The door to the girl's toilet creaked open. There was Moon, puffy-eyed, her hair a little out of place, but otherwise, she has calmed down. She was attempting her best to put on her signature cheery smile, even though the corners of her mouth twitched as she did so. She didn't want another round of mocking, so she's just going to act like-

Wait, what is that?

In front of her, set on in the middle of the hallway, was a hastily trimmed cardboard piece. Scribbled across it in colourful markers were the words, 'Follow me!' 

And seven metres away, at the bend of the hallway, was another sign similar to this one, except that it was stuck on the metallic wall. Curiously, Moon followed it. After passing through cris-crossing hallways, she found herself facing the back door of the Academy. 

At first, she was uncertain to open the door on which another 'Follow me!' sign has been prinned. But then, the Academy had always been safe right? This might as well be a prank set up by Roza, Mika or Chris-

A small ball of anger exploded inside her as she was reminded of their mocking faces. Moon thought rather angrily, I will show them, before she slammed open the door, and marched with her head held high down slippery stone steps that led towards the open, glistening beach.

Upon getting closer, Moon realised that the beach - which she has never visited until now - was such an incredible sight. So incredible that she forgotten to look haughty.

The sun's shimmering light were dancing off the rolling water like golden sprinkles, their sparkling light reflected in Moon's wide, large orbs. Her feet were so close to the mesmerising current washing themselves on the shore, though she was almost oblivious to this from the amazing view. Her hair was constantly rustled by a gentle breeze of salty air, giving her the sensation that there was an unknown person standing right beside her, keeping her company.

Keeping her happy.

She couldn't help but close her eyes and let the sensation soar. The sound of the ocean breaking against the shore was increased tenfold as she stood in the world of darkness. 

And then out of the blue, someone poked her shoulder. 

Instantly, her eyes snapped open. She whipped around instinctively and karate chopped with a 'hiyah!' at the person's arm, only to realise it was-

"Oh my Lord, Jet!" Moon gasped, instantly rushing over to his side worriedly. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were there!"

"It's OK," Jet said through gritted teeth, clutching his arm wearily. "Really, I'm fine, it's no matter- besides, we got a surprise for you."

Moon frowned. A...surprise? Hold up, so this isn't a prank to mock her after all. Could it be-


From behind a stone cliff leaped Zass, Khai and Iman. Zass holding a double layered chocolate cake in his skinny arms, grinning cutely, his hazel brown eyes beyond shining brightly in the sunlight; Khai and Iman, trailing alongside him, were each holding two boxes that varied in sizes- birthday presents. Each of them were wearing an expression so joyful that Moon just-

-burst into tears.

Without warning, a sobbing Moon had flung herself blatantly into Zass. 

Luckily a fraction of second before that, Jet had snatched the cake out of Moon's way. What with Moon's unpredictable impact, Zass was tackled down onto the crunchy sand. Jet, Iman and Khai gasped. But a second later, they burst into laughter at the sight of the two together.

Zass, on the other hand, was shocked, stunned, flecks of sand messed up in his own messed up hair. He looked helplessly at his guffawing friends, then at Moon who had buried her face comfortably deep into his chest. 

This was embarrassing. 

But then again, if he was daring enough to stand up for Moon, he should be daring enough to comfort her. This was his idea after all.

As though she had read his mind, Moon chose that moment to mutter soothingly, "Thank you so much Zass. You're the best."

With that, Zass gave up and flopped back down on the sand, stupidly grinning to himself as he stared at the bright sky smiling down at him.

'As long as she's happy, I'm happy.'

"Oh yeah, Zass?"

Zass glanced down to see Moon staring back at him with her large orb-like eyes.

"Nice fingers you got," she said, smiling, before returning to her snuggling.

Zass' face heated up violently, but other than that, he showed no indication that he knew Moon had saw what he did.

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