"What happened this time?"

"Matilda said that they got another body and wants me to check it out." Sam said standing up and grabbing his things for his uniform, walking into the bathroom to change.

"I'll go with him, I can help." Ava grabbed her bag and dug her stuff out and went it the bathroom when Sam came out.

"I'll take you guy, I wanna stop by the college and see if any professors can give me anymore info." Dean stood up and grabbed his jacket and keys.

"You coming Y/n?" Ava asked fixing her blouse.

"Nah I'll stay here. I'm gonna see if I can spot the next target this thing is gonna get."

"You sure?" Dean asked walking towards me.

I chuckled and punched his shoulder lightly, "Yeah I'll be fine. Just cause I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't kick a**."

Dean chuckled and ruffled up my hair making me chuckle and push his hand off. I smiled and started shoving him to the door.

"Now go, all of you. Don't wanna keep anyone waiting now do we?"

As everyone made their way to Baby, I heard the roar of her engine and then saw them drive down the road. I sigh as I grab my laptop of start to do some research. As I was working I yawned and turned on the TV as I walked away to grab a snack from my bag.

"BREAKING NEWS!! Someone breaking in and torturing fellow citizens, mostly females is seems to be. We will put a drawing on the screen to show what we assume the suspect looks like."

I slowly turned around and saw a drawing of what seemed to be Dean on the TV. I stare wide eyed at the screen as I my mouth hung open. I groan as I went to pick up my phone to only hear banging on the door. I walk towards the door and opened it to be pushed to the side as someone ran inside. I stumble but catch my balance as I look and see Dean pacing back and forth in front of the beds. I close the door and face Dean and crossing my arms.

"Dean what the hell are you doing, I thought you were going to the college to talk to a professor? And what's this whole this with torturing people?"

"What? What do you- OH! That yeah um as I was heading there someone noticed me and next thing I knew I was being chased." He said looking at the TV before turning it off.

"Okay well then lets go get Sam and Ava then we can-" I started heading towards the door.

"NO! I mean no I'm sure they're fine, lets just stay here. Beside who knows if they won't catch us again." He said sitting on the bed.

I tilted my head and looked at him but ignored it. I mean its true what if they do catch us, I'm sure Dean just got lucky this time. I sighed and picked up my phone looking through my contacts.

"What are you doing?" Dean asked suspiciously.

"Calling Ash, I wanna see if he can help out.Can you look over the map I have and see if you can find a pattern." I walked away and into the bathroom trying to call Ash. After the third ring, he picked up.

"Hey Y/n~ What can I do for ya?"

"Hey Ash, think you can help me out with something? I sent you some coordinates, think you can see the next spot?"

"Yeah I can do that for ya, should have it done in 2-3 minutes."

"Thanks Ash, I'm having Dean look at a map right now to see if he can find a pattern too but I'll just let him know that you got it."

"Wait, Dean's with you? I just got off the phone with him, he said he just pulled up to the college like 5 minute ago."

My eyes widened as I looked out of the bathroom to see "Dean" writing some stuff done.

I love you more than pie (Dean Winchester x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now