✔T R E N T A T R E

Start from the beginning

Pulling the key from my pocket, I insert it into the ignition starting the jeep up once more and I pull it out of park, hearing as the wheel skids over the snow and ice that lay beneath it. I drive full speed out of the estate, barely giving a fuck as I break every road law.

I take a shortcut to her office, one, that will get me there in less than 15 minutes, Slowing the jeep to a stop in front of her Rolls Royce which is oddly parked between two parking spaces. I hop out, slamming the door behind me.

My eyes scan the perimeter looking for the familiar bellezza, where the hell is she?

My gaze lands on two objects laying on the frosted ground of the parking lot, they're rectangular and lay about an arm's length away from each other, the one on the right significantly larger than the one on the left.

I walk closer, bending downstairs the knee in front of a trash can, my eyes running over the rectangular objects which turn out to be cell phones, both of them iPhones. I reach for the one on the right first, by inspection, it seems to be an iPhone X.

The very same one as Iris'.

My finger pushes the on button at the top of the phone, the cracked screen lighting up, showcasing a picture of Iris, looking off to the side, one of many I'd taken of her when she wasn't paying attention.

I'll find you, il mio amore, I promise.

Sighing, I clench my teeth reaching for the smaller phone on the left. It's an outdated iPhone 5 which seems to be falling apart at the seams, held together by only bits of duct tape. Turning it over in my hand, I run my thumb over the back of the phone which has letters scratched into it, the letters bold and threatening.

GOTCHA' it reads.

I click at the on button but the screen doesn't light up instead it stays black, standing to my full height, I deposit Iris' phone into my pocket, turning the other over in my hand. I saunter over to Iris' car, tugging the door of her Rolls Royce open.

Her bag is thrown carelessly onto the passenger's seat some of the contents spilling out, the key is still lodged into the ignition and when I try to start the car up it doesn't give even a splutter.

So if I was to deduce what might have happened I could say that she was in some type of hurry and that's judging from the key still left in the ignition not to mention the hastily done parking. I'd say she was also waiting or looking for someone and once she couldn't find said person, she decides to call them.

When she calls this said unknown person, she finds the phone somewhere near the vicinity of the trash can where she probably grabbed and hence in her shock and fight she drops both phones.

Glancing at the ground, I look for track marks or anything else that can give me anymore hints.

I slam the door close, eyes darting around the area for a security camera of any kind. My phone rings out disturbing me from my investigation, rubbing my temple I slip my phone from my pocket.

And accept Rosie's call with a swipe of the finger, I tap the speaker icon waiting for her to say whatever it was she had to say, hopefully, something useful.

"Luca, I just spoke to Ezra. She said she and Iris were at Central Park this afternoon, she also said they spent almost an hour together but she isn't sure where she might have gone off to when they split up." Rosie informs me.

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