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Jimin for rid of his sunglasses as his injuries we're all healed yesterday. He was now in his last period, PE. They were playing dodgeball. Jungkook and Paige were in the opposing team. They were in the corner, chatting and flirting. Yoongi wanted to throw up as he watched the couple.

Grabbing a ball, Yoongi threw straight at Paige. Only to have Jungkook catch the ball, one handed with ease. Paige glared at Yoongi and gave Jungkook a kiss on his lips. Jimin felt his heart shatter at the sight.

Yoongi, still disgusted, loudly yelled, "THIS IS PE NOT A MAKE OUT CLASS YOU STUPID PLUNGER" A few students snickered at the comments, all eyes on Paige and Jungkook. Paige's face grew red as Jungkook quietly parted away from Paige.

The teacher stepped in, talking from the bleachers "Now, now, we all know Paige is a hoe so let's just keep playing" The class all giggled from the comment and headed straight back into the game.

Paige stepped up and grabbed a red ball, rolling straight towards her. She aimed at Yoongi's pale face. With all her rage, she hurled the ball at him. Yoongi ducked down, not wanting to lose the game that early. But the  went straight to Jimin's face.

Jimin felt his face gradually turning numb, a ringing in his ears, and his vision blurrying. Jimin crumbled down to the floor, lying still, slowly breathing. All the sounds of dodgeballs bouncing stopped as all the students froze and looked at Jimin. Except one.

Paige only smirked and pretended to be shocked. Taehyung was the first one to step in and hold Jimin. He shook him a little, hitting his face gently. "Yooooo I think he's dead"

Namjoon rolled his eyes "Honestly, just send him to the nurse" The teacher gave Taehyung a slip and Taehyung took Jimin to the nurse's office.

Jungkook and Yoongi were the only ones that witnessed it happen. Jungkook didn't want to say anything, scared that Paige would get angry at him.

After class, Taehyung came back loudly yelling, "JIMIN. HAS. GONE. HOME. DUE. TO. HIS. INJURY. EVERYONE." Everyone stared at him as he proudly walked to Yoongi.


Okay I am bamboozled. Did the chicken come first or the egg 🤔🤔🤔

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