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Baekhyun 'S pov

After the lecturer  finished teaching us,,, he  left and  students started making noise,,,

Will all of  shut up or  do I need to say keep quiet,, am  trying to read if  you  people come from rich family well I don't,,,

What will you do if  I make noise,,,

That  guy  who  Mr  criminal brought  said and  started  laughing

Then I will  beat you up,,,

All  students were  like,,

Baek  please keep quiet and don't talk to him,,, his  dad is know we'll

I don't care  just keep quiet,,

He came and slapped me,,, I stand up and slapped him too,,,

I don't care if your  father is well known,,,,, just  keep quiet or  go  home,

You will regret slapping me I swear to you

Waiting like  I care,,,

He grabbed my  shirt and  punched me,,, I felt  angry and I started beating the sht out of him,,, when someone pushed me down and started beating me,,,

I looked up to see Mr  dangerous  hitting me,, 

I didn't say anything at  all  students were taking clip and  pictures of me when I saw that new guy  run towards him and hugged him tight,,, 

I stand up slowly and picked my  things to leave when he  said stop right there,,,

How dare you hit  my  boyfriend

I just kept quiet

Answer me why did you hit him

He was making noise and I wanted to read,,,

I don't care but am warning you touch him and you are dead

Then kill me if you want,,, I saw everyone whispering

You really talk too much,,, I will shut your  mouth now,,

He  pushed me on the floor and beat me  until I felt like I don't have energy,,,, I felt  dizzy and saw  blur in  my  vision

Chanyeol 'S pov.

I saw him falling down and fainted,,

I really felt guilty but  I had no  choice,,,, I had to hurt him  I don't want taeyung 'S father to  doubt  me,,,, but I know this  stupid taeyung  provoked  baek,,,,

I carried him and left him on the school nurse,,,

Why did you carried him?

Taeyung  I don't want him to die  his  parents can  Sue you

You are right anyway thanks for coming on  time I will tell dad how you  saved me

Okay let's go,,,

I need to apologise to baek,,,, but  I don't know what reasons I will tell him,,,

I drove  tae  and  went to college and find  baek was not there,,,,,

Nurse where is he,,,,

He  left,,,

How  am I  going to find  him like seriously,,

I looked for him but I couldn't find him,,,,

I went to my  house to find a  note on the  gate,,,

I opened it to see a letter,,

Hi  it's  me  baek,,, am sorry to  mess with you and your boyfriend,,, am  really sorry,,, please forgive me I will never  mess with you nor  him,,,

Please don't come to hurt me again,, I have learned my  lesson I promise you I won't  mess with you or him,,,,

Am  sorry.

No  it's should be me apologising for hitting him
Not  him,,,

Am  so sorry  baek to  hit you,,, I thought to myself,,,

Why do I feel guilty for hurting him,,,,

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