He calmly shook his head and slowly stepped in the shower. I covered my eyes once he began to unwrap his towel.

"You look like a tomato." He snickered as he held my hand and lightly pulled it away from my eyes, but I just shut them so I wouldn't be able to see his naked body.

Newt giggled and cupped my cheeks and slowly pressed his lips on mine. But my eyes remained shut. He asked me to open my eyes but I shook my head wildly. He shoved the curtain off me and gently pushed me to the wall, causing me to accidentally open my eyes since I was startled by his actions. I frantically tried covering my body with my hands but Newt wouldn't let me. I was so flustered and I could imagine how red my cheeks were.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear and I gasped as my insides felt like exploding to the sensation of him being too close and intimate with me.

"Thank you. Now you can g-g-go out now." 

"But we need to save water."

"What the.... Is that really your reason?"

"We're about to find out."

Newt leaned backward for a second as his eyes moved up and down my body, making me blush even more so I tried wrapping my arms around my chest.

"Maya, are you ok? You look scared."

"No, no... It's just.... Eerhhm, I'm, I'm not scared."

"Do you want me to leave?"

"No!" I reacted.  "I mean, please don't."

He smiled lustfully before kissing me. My breathing became ragged once he began nibbling and sucking the delicate skin on my neck, like I was some corn or some shit like that.

"Oh shuck!" I gasped, "Please don't stop."

Newt placed his hands on my thighs and lifted me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and pinning me against the wall. He crashed his lips into mine again, but this time, harder and more demanding. I never felt this intimate with him before. But I surely loved every moment of it. The both of us were now drenched with water but dang I felt warm. My fingers played with his hair as our make-out session became more passionate by the second.

"Why are you naked?" I suddenly blurted out, trying to catch my breath. I know I'm really horrible with words and the current sexual tension was not helping either.

"Who showers with bloody clothes on? And didn't you enjoy watching us shirtless this morning?"

"I...I did not.." I lied as he continued to nip on my neck.

Despite the pain, waves of pleasure dominated as soon as Newt began to slowly thrust in and out of me, making me a moaning and gasping mess, causing me to dig my nails on his bare back.


I forced my heavy eyes open, still oblivious to what was going on. I slowly sat up on the bed and began to scan my surroundings after rubbing my tired eyes. I was still in Newt's room. I looked at my body and I was already wearing a huge shirt, which could be his. But the thing was, I had no undergarments on. I stroked my temple as I tried to recall what happened before. I cringed when I remembered the thing at the shower with him. If papa finds out about this, he's going to flip out, for sure.

"Love?" Newt smiled as he entered the room with a glass of water in his hand. He handed it to me and I quickly drank it empty.

"What just happened?" I asked while trying my best to hide my nervousness.

"Uughh..." Newt scratched his head. "You fell asleep while we were doing the uumm....the 'deed' in the shower."

I gasped and covered my mouth. "Deed? You mean sex?"

He nodded. It fell silent for a few seconds.

"So uugh, do you wanna go for a walk?" 

"Let me change first." But once I stood up, my feet wobbled and I fell hard on the floor.

"Uugh, Newt?" I began to panic when I could no longer stand up, my legs were quivering. He scooped me up and placed me back on the bed, chuckling like something was funny about me not being able to walk.

"Maybe I was too rough with you." He smirked while massaging my thighs. I slapped his hands off and glared at him.

"Papa is going to kill you." I crossed my arms. His smile disappeared. He got up and handed me my clothes so I could change. There was no use in letting him not look at my body since he already saw me naked so he watched as I slipped my clothes on, making sure I wouldn't fall off the bed. After I got dressed, Newt positioned his back in front of me.

"Get on my back."

I grumbled before climbing on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck. As soon as we left his hut, we were then met by Thomas who had the most suspicious look on his face.

"Newt, what did you do to her?" Thomas asked as he folded his arms, "What's wrong with her neck? Why are ther-"

"Tommy, do me a bloody favour and shut your mouth?"

Thomas raised his eyebrows and fake gasped as if he got offended. I buried my face on Newt's shoulders and inhaled his scent. How can this boy smell so good for shuck's sake?

"Minho and I are planning to go on a hike tomorrow. You guys wanna come?" He invited.

"That's brilliant. Now get lost." The blond boy scoffed. Thomas just shook his head in amusement before leaving.

So Newt carried me while he strolled by the sandy shore. It was already dusk and we enjoyed watching the sun slowly descend to the horizon. We walked further from the village until we reached a large jagged rock and that's where we sat and spent the remaining daylight hours, with our fingers intertwined, watching the sun finally set.

The Misfire: Book 3 (Newt || Safe and Sound)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat