3. Shower

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(A/N: Some steamy action so prepare your holy water and bibles.)
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"Maya come on! The water's not that bad." Thomas waved his hands excitedly while splashing.

I shook my head while I stood by the shore, watching him, Jeff, Newt and Minho enjoying their morning swim, their shirts scattered along the sand. "I think I'm good."

"What a kill-joy." Gally muttered and took off his shirt before wading in the water, Fry following him as well.

I remained standing on the sand, arms crossed, staring at these shirtless boys. Of course I've seen them shirtless before. But now, they had more muscle in them which made my feet go weak for some reason.

"Looks like you're enjoying the view." I turned to the side to see an amused Brenda, snickering at me.

"I don't....I don't even know what's under there that might grab me."

"What are you expecting, a crank?" She laughed. I shrugged once.

"Well, I'm gonna go take a dip." She then jumped in the water and went to where Thomas was.

"What's wrong with you, man?" Frypan yelled, "The water ain't gonna eat you up."

"You guys enjoy there. See you later." I spun around and headed to the kitchen, ignoring Newt and the others calling for me.

When I arrived at the kitchen, Mrs. Tram and other immunes were already cooking and preparing for this morning's meal. Mrs. Tram smiled when she saw me arrive and I asked if I could help. She let me mince some carrots and onions since vegetable stew was one of the recipes in the menu today.

By the time all the meals were cooked, I was already sweating from the heat of the large oven so I went outside the kitchen to cool down. Newt and the others already changed and were now heading to the kitchen to eat.

"You missed the fun, buzzkill." Minho mumbled as he passed by me. I was about to head back to the guild house to change when Newt lightly grabbed my arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" 

"To change. I'm uughh, I'm drenched in sweat."

"You can just shower in my hut later."

"But I stink," I protested, "I wo- "

"Slim it." He said firmly as he pulled me to the table. I didn't argue since I was already hungry as well.

After breakfast, I proceeded to the guild house to take a shower but Finn was already there and since we had only installed one shower yet, I had to wait for my turn. But I felt very grimy and uneasy so I took a pair of clean clothes together with my grooming materials that Mrs. Tram gave me, and went to Newt's hut. Luckily, he wasn't using the shower and he had to head to the gardens later to work so I had the water all to myself.

I took my sweaty clothes off and stepped in the bathroom, turning the shower on and letting the warm water soak and relax my body. The bathroom was small and didn't have a door, just a thin curtain covering the opening.

"Can I join you?"

"The fuck!" I shrieked once Newt peered through the curtains, wearing only a towel around his waist. I quickly grabbed the curtain and hid my naked body.

"Newt, what the hell?"

He chuckled. "I wanna take a shower too."

"Can't you just wait 'til I'm done?"

The Misfire: Book 3 (Newt || Safe and Sound)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum