18. Shore Time

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Eight more months passed and Mary said that it was time for the twins to start crawling around. The twins were now a little heavier than the last couple of months, especially Alfie. There physical features bloomed as well, they had the same (e/c) eyes as mine, and were both blondes.

Kayla was very lively and energetic compared to her brother. She easily got along with others. A small poke and she would always giggle and babble playfully. She loved going for strolls especially in her sling carrier on Newt's chest and she was the happiest baby in the village.

On the other hand, Alfie was so irresponsive and laid-back when it came to playtime, it was scary. He was too grouchy and timid. He would cry as loud as he could if ever someone else other than Newt or I would carry him. He was so clingy to me that sometimes, he would still turn red and start shaking angrily even if Newt was holding him. Sonya would occasionally visit our hut so Elfin and her could play with the twins but Alfie didn't care at all. He just ignored them and went back to napping or sucking his thumb.

It was a cloudy afternoon so Newt and I decided to bring the twins to the shore for some fresh air. We laid a mat on the sand so their delicate skins won't get scratched. Kayla was squirming already before Newt could even unwrap her from the sling carrier. She was that excited to play on the mat while Alfie was dozing off as usual, not caring that it was their first time near the beach.

"Ready for playtime, nippy one?" Newt chuckled as he gently placed Kayla on the mat. She rolled on her front and started to crawl slowly away from her dad.

I took Alfie off Newt's back and began unwrapping the carrier from him. He opened his eyes and plastered a toothless smile when he saw my face.

"He's a mummy's boy, isn't he?" Newt said as he picked Kayla up and placed her back on the mat. She began protesting and tried to crawl away again but Newt brought her to his lap and distracted her by waving a a short, brown cord in front of her so she could grab it with her hands.

I raised Alfie closer and stared at him dubiously. He looked suspiciously happy today for some reason. Thinking that he could just be asking for food, I took out the small container of baby food Mrs. Tram delightfully made everyday for the twins. It was a mushy mixture of rice cereal or some pureed fruit. It tasted awful but for the twins, they seemed to like it.

I let Alfie sit on my lap and as soon as he saw the small metal spoon I always used to feed him, he started to bounce up and down on his bottom, his eyes wide and mouth already open. When the first taste lands on his mouth, he squeals and claps his hands together. This was one of the good things about Alfie; he was not difficult to feed.

After feeding him, I placed him on the mat. Newt now let Kayla move around but made sure she would not crawl too far. Alfie just sat down and rested his hands on his knees, watching Kayla curiously wandering around. I observed his facial expressions while he was focused on his little sister. His eyebrows furrowed and he began making his own loud baby gabbles, like he was either angrily calling for attention or complaining.

When Kayla heard her brother making noises, she crawled to where he was. It was weird because Kayla was younger but she already knew how to crawl unlike Alfie who couldn't move on his own and just kept on being lazy.

"What you got there, Kay?" I pointed to Kayla's balled fist. She grinned and handed it to her brother -- a tiny round shell.

In spite of the cute gesture, Alfie was not having it. He made grumbling noises and smacked his sister's head. I gasped and before reacting further, Alfie grabbed Kayla's shirt and pulled her closer to him, before aggressively pushing her to the ground.

"Bloody hell, Alfie." Newt scolded as he picked a crying Kayla in his arms. Alfie was just emotionless, watching his sister cry like he didn't do anything to hurt her.

"Why is he so crabby?" I placed him back on my lap. Of course he didn't respond. He just stared at me and showed a proud smile.

I sighed. "Li'l bastard."

Newt shot me an irritated look.

"Just kidding." I flashed a nervous smile.

"Y'know what love, I still couldn't believe that you and I actually, y'know- Like after all we've been through."

"Yeah. It's crazy, right?" I stroked Alfie's cheek with my thumb.

"Do you miss our old life?"

"Old life?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Y'know; WCKD, the maze, buggin' grievers, hellish scorch, all that shit."

"Why would I miss that?" I only....I only miss our friends."

Newt scooted beside me with Kayla now resting her head on his chest, before pecking a kiss on my cheek. "I love you, Maya. I know I always say that but I bloody mean it."

"I know Newt. I love you too." I smiled. "Always did."

Alfie interrupted the moment by wriggling until he got my attention. He grabbed my shirt and tried climbing to my shoulders, kicking and stepping on my goddamn breasts for shucks sake it hurt like hell. I grunted and he instantly stopped moving. Newt tickled Alfie's side, making the baby boy giggle and bury his face on my chest.

"Seriously, what is wrong with you boy?" I grumbled while lifting his chin up. "You're up to something...."

"I think he just loves Mummy too much." Newt replied.

"That's sweet. But I....but I still think he's up to something."

"How's family life, huh?"

Newt and I turned around to see Thomas approaching us. Upon hearing his voice, Kayla woke up and started reaching her hands for him, excitedly begging to be transferred to his arms.

"Hey, mini blond Maya." Thomas cooed as he sat beside Newt and placed Kayla on his lap.

"Where's Brenda?" I asked.

"She's at the infirmary with Clint."


He scratched his head. "The thing is, well, uumm-"

I pursed my lips to prevent myself from smiling. Newt was eagerly waiting for Thomas' answer.

"Brenda's pregnant."

"I knew it!" I chortled and Alfie imitated my actions while pulling my hair. I glared at him and he stopped moving.

"Tommy, weren't you not in the best of terms?"

"We actually talked. Like real talk." Thomas explained while letting Kayla fiddle with his fingers. "One thing led to another, and things got heated up real fast."

"You nasty." I snickered.

"Well, atleast now she'll stop complaining that I don't feel the same way as she does." He shrugged.

"So you shucked her? To prove yourself?"

"Maya, that's not what I meant. I mean like, now she clearly knows that I want to spend my life with her."

"Didn't know you were the bloody romantic type of bloke, Tommy," Newt sneered, "Now, all we need is for Minho and Harriet to make whatever is going on between them, official."

"Good that." I gently placed Alfie back on the mat.

The Misfire: Book 3 (Newt || Safe and Sound)Where stories live. Discover now