1. Minho's Confession

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It has been a month since I returned and so far, the safe haven has progressed.

Mrs. Tram was now the head cook of the place with Frypan as her trusty apprentice. Mary was of course the head doctor with Clint and Jeff assisting as well. The medhouse was now bigger and more convenient even if there wasn't that much injuries to take care of if that excluded the elders constantly dropping by regarding their back aches and shoulder pains.

The village had a little solar-fueled electricity thanks to Beau's expertice. Major Lonn, Edwin, and Papa scouted the island everyday to check for threats or find other possible materials and stuff that could be of use. Gus was already constructing a bigger garden and orchard with a variety of crops and veggies.

Quantum built their own guild house at the far end of the village, with the help of Gally and the builders. Although I had my own room, but at night I seldom slept there. It was an alternation of either sleeping at Newt's hut, Thomas' or even at Frypan's which always smelt like fried onions so the rest of the gladers and I frequently sleep there. Finn on the other hand, accompanied Papa on their daily ventures so he was rarely at the village during the day.

Papa and the rest of Quantum became acquainted with the gladers and the rest of the immunes. Finn was happy to finally meet other people his age. He became good friends with Newt and Quantum frequently made fun of their accents but not in a rude way. They would call them Brit boy #1 and Brit boy #2. Maybe Newt found it annoying but he had the kindest heart in the world.

I was standing alone by the shore, inhaling the brine, letting my feet burrow in the sand and allowing the waves to soak them. I was staring at the glistening sea, contemplating about a lot of things.

A sense of nostalgia flows through my body. As much as I was happy here, but thoughts of my dead friends were always present. Although I did say I regret going in the maze before, but if I was given another chance, I would do it all over again without hesitation. I could save Alby, Ben, Jack, Chuck, Erin, Winston and all of the gladers that never made it to paradise. I missed them. If only they were here with us to enjoy this lovely place.

"Imma disturb your peace."

I spun around and saw Minho approaching. He smirked and stood beside me, glancing at the waters and inhaling the salty scent as well.

He spoke again. "Still trying to get used to this?"

I nodded my head.

"It's nice, isn't it?" I nodded again.

"You know, I never told you this but I'm really glad that you came back."

I stared at his face for moment, completely taken aback by his unexpected confrontation.

"Really?" I crossed my arms. "Cause I remember back at the glade, you kept telling me I was annoying."

"You are. Even until now," He snickered, "Although this new life won't be complete without you."

"Oh. Thank you? Wait, is something wrong, with you?" I squinted, still suspicious to see this side of him. To be honest, I was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"You should've received a freaking medal for being the weirdest shuckface in the glade," He smirked, "But I have to admit, you had your moments."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm confused. Are you complimenting or insulting me?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm glad you have Newt. I don't know any shank that can take care of you better than he can."

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