Chapter 17: The Ugly Truth

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"Mikey?!" I said in a loud whisper.

No, there's no way that Dan (and possibly Phil) know who Mikey is. He's my best friend and he never talked with anyone else but me and very few other people. Or this Mikey is someone completely different and not my best friend Mikey. Right? I guess there was only one way to find out if it was the Mikey I knew, or someone else.

"Hey Dan" I said a bit awkwardly walking up to him.

He gave me a surprised and nervous look. But then he gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"I'm sorry about earlier y/n. I just... didn't know how to exactly process what the doctor said, but I meant everything I said about this baby. I will support and care for them, both of the babies, as well as you" he said in a caring whisper.

"I know... but there is something I want to ask you" I said backing from him a bit.

"What's that darling?" he replied confused.

"Who's Mikey? I heard you on the phone. You sounded really upset, I just wanted to make sure you're okay" I said.

It took Dan a minute to respond and he thought of what to say. This only made my assumption about my friend Mikey more true than false.

"He's no one you have to worry about y/n, he's a former friend cause he pissed me off all the time" he replied with an unconvincing smirk.

I decided to say screw it and bluntly ask.

"I have a friend named Mikey, do you know who he is?" I asked.

Again Dan had to think about it.

"He has light brown hair, pale skin, has a brother named Gerard who he's in a band with, obsesses over unicorns, and sometimes wears glasses" I described.

Dan sighed and then gently faced me by placing both hands on my shoulder.

"Yes I know who he is. Yes that was him on the phone... and yes we know he's your best friend who worked in the offices with you" Dan sighed heavily.

"What?! What do you mean we? Does Phil know Mikey to? How could you not tell me? And how do you even know him?Does he even know you took me? Why didn't Mikey tell me when you guys took me to the hospital? What the hell is going on?!" I screamed in Dan's face.

I was scared, angry, confused, but most of all... I felt betrayed and so incredibly stupid for believing Dan and Phil cared about me. And the worst part about it, I'm pregnant with both their kids at the same time.

"What the blood hell is going on you guys?" Phil asked walking out of his room.

"Did you know my used to be best friend Mikey?" I yelled storming over to Phil.

He looked up at Dan who shook his as if to say 'don't tell her anything'.

"Dan we need to tell her. We both knew it wouldn't be a secret forever" he pleaded.

After a few moments of silence, I calmed down and they both sat me on the couch to explain the truth. Or at least I hoped it was the truth.

"We knew that you were our neighbor for the last two years, that's no secret. But Mikey came to us one night and hung out with Phil and I" Dan explained.

"Okay that's nice and all. But does he know that I'm being held here and that you kidnapped me for almost half a year?" I said getting impatient.

"Yes" they both said in unison.

I felt like I needed to vomit and pass out. And this was not from me being pregnant, this was from utter shock and disgust.

"Now before you go bizerk and start blaming us, just know that this was all his idea" Dan said trying to down.
"Are you out of your fucking mind?! What the hell does that mean?" I screamed again.
"He wanted us to take you and show you how to have fun and the release you in a year" Phil replied.
"And you just expect me to believe that? When you both took me from my home, convinced me to sleep with both of you more than once, and then got me pregnant!" I yelled.
They both stayed silent and looked at the ground.
"So how did Mikey convince you to do this to me?" I demanded.
Phil stepped forward and told me.
"He paid each of us 5000 pounds" he said.
That's when I ran to the bathroom and puked in the toilet. I was in pure disgust with them right now. When I finished, I stormed out the front door onto the road. The boys followed me but I turned around.
   "Leave me the hell alone! I don't want even look at you two!" I screamed in tears.
They both gave depressed and angry looks. But I turned and ran down the sunsetting road, not looking back to see the two boys who I thought loved me, and thought I loved them, I'm tears as well.

Authors Note:

Sorry about the update on this chapter. I realised that I published it without completing it (whoops!). Hopefully it make a more sense now and I will have a new chapter up as soon as I can. Thanks for reading :)

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