Chapter 5: Negotiations

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I woke up on Dan's chest and sat up slowly so I wouldn't wake him up. What on earth was I thinking. Last night was a huge mistake and that will never happen again. At least with Dan. I sighed and found some clothes to change into. It was a black shirt with stars across the top and black skinny jeans. They were a little big but I found a belt to hold them up. Then, I quietly walked into the kitchen and found Phil eating cereal. I stumbled a little bit and he smiled.

   "Good morning y/n!" he said cheerfully. 

I have an awkward smile back and wave. I went to walk away, but a tall Dan blocked my way. I stumbled again and hit the counter scraping my arm. I gasped in pain as my arm bled a bit. 

   "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! Here let me get some band aids" Dan said rushing to the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, I was bandaged up. I walked into the living room and sat down. 

   "Well I gotta run for a bit. I have some unfinished business in the city. I should be back by tomorrow night or so" Dan said grabbing a suitcase and car keys. 

   "Okay, well we'll be here when you get back" Phil said. 

Dan smiled and left. A dead silence filled the room between Phil and I. 

   "So... where did you go yesterday?" I asked. 

   "I went to visit a friend" he said. 

I mouthed the word 'oh' and walked over to the window. I looked out at the rainy forest. I sighed and became very bored. 

   "You know if you're bored, we can have some fun. We could play video games, watch movies, bake. We can do whatever you want with one condition" Phil said. 

   "Oh really and what is that?" I asked facing him. 

   "You let me mark you" he said. 

   "What?" I gapsed. 

   "Do you think I'm stupid? I knew what Dan did to you and I want just enough to say that you're mine to" he explained. 

I could tell by the look on his face that his feelings were kind of hurt. I thought for a second and then I realized something. I said I would never go all the way with Dan ever again.  I never promised to not go all the way with Phil though. And I figured if they both got what they wanted they would let me go. 

   "Okay Phil, but promise me that you'll talk to Dan and convince him to let me go" I said.

   "I can't promise anything, but if it will make you happy, I'll talk to him. But we probably won't let you leave" he said. 

   "Okay I can live with that" I said. 

   "Well shall we?" Phil said. 

   "Shall we what?" I asked confused. 

   "Shall we get started?" Phil asked winking. 

I nodded and we walked to his bedroom.

Kidnapped by Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now