Chapter 1: Kidnapped

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It was just like any other day. On my way to work at the office and then back home to relax and watch movies and chill. But when I woke up, the mood felt different. It felt like something good and bad was going to happen. Something bad to me, and good for someone else.
   "Hey girl! How was your morning?" My friend Mikey asked at the front desk.
   "It was long and boring. Same as yesterday and the day before" I said with a smile.
   "Don't worry, one more week and you'll be in New York for the next six months working on the next  project, making more bank and who knows... maybe a guy will come into the picture" Mikey said whispering the last part.
   "Very funny. You know I'm not into guys, even though I'm straight" I said chuckling a little bit.
   "That's the thing! How can I like guys and you have no interest in them. Do you have any idea what I would do if I had all your curves and your legs?" he exclaimed.
   "Hahaha! I'll see you later okay?" I said walking off to my perfect job.

-6 Work Hours Later-

Mikey and I headed out to a bar after work and then back to my apartment. On the way up you could hear laughing and small screaming.
   "What the hell is that noise? Sounds like someone getting it in" Mikey said walking through my door.
   "Those are my neighbors. I can't remember their names though. But I know they're guys and they make videos for a living" I explained.
   "I'd like to see them in action, if you know what I mean" Mikey said with a wink.
   "No you wouldn't. If you hear what they talk about and hear their screams, you wouldn't want to know" I explained.
Mikey rolled his eyes and then his phone went off.
   "Hey Gerard... yeah... sure when?... alright... bye" he said then hung up.
   "I'm sorry girl but I gotta get goin" he said and went to leave.
   "Bye Mikey!" I called out.

-2 Hours Later-

I just came out of the bath and got dressed and crawled into bed. Even though it was only 10:30. I had one last busy week of busting my ass, to a slightly less crowded schedule. I fell asleep fairly quickly and was under in a matter of minutes.

At around 2 in the morning I heard a strange noise. It seemed to be coming from the living room and kitchen. At first I ignored it, but grew worried when the noise became louder. I sat up in bed and grabbed my phone incase I had to call the cops. I carefully made my way to the kitchen first and found nobody there. Instead I found my fridge wide open. I stared at it for a second and then shut it. I then walked into the living room. I screamed when I saw one of my neighbors from next door.
   "Oh hello! I didn't expect to see you 'till morning" he said.
   "What the hell are you doing here? Get out before I call the cops!" I warned holding up my phone.
   "The only way we're leaving is with you sweetheart" he said again.
   "We?" I asked nervously.
I went to run in the other direction, but another person stood in my way.
   "Hello internet" he said seductively.
I turned around again and there stood the other guy. They made me stumble backward until I was in a corner.
   "Listen, I don't have much but take what you want. If you want money I'll give you what you want" I said in a shaky tone.
   "All we want is you my dear" the tall one with brown hair said.
   "No... please. I'm begging you. Don't do this" I said with tears.
They both looked at each other and one of them pulled out a wet cloth. The guy with brown hair and brown eyes held me in place. I squirmed but he was insanely strong. The one with black hair covered my mouth with the cloth. I fought endlessly to get away. But my strength left as I began to fall asleep.
   "Just breathe doll" they said in unison.
And those were the last words I heard before I blacked out.

Kidnapped by Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now