Chapter 10: Not Again

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I slept peacefully that night. Until I was woken up by a familiar voice... or two.

I sat up in bed startled. It was just a bad dream or hallucination. At least I hope it was.
"Y/n we're back" I heard Dan whsiper.
My room was almost pitch black so I couldn't really see. And for this hospital, all the lights had timers. So they were off until 7:00 am.
"What do you want from me?" I yelled into the darkness.
"For you to come home. We only let you go until your leg got better and now we're back to get you darling" he explained.
"But I don't want to go back" I said tearing up and sobbing.
"Don't worry darling, we will take care of you" he said coming out of the shadows.
When he said that, it made me cty harder. I didn't want to go back. All they would do is use me for their own sexual needs, and I couldn't do it anymore.
   "Please Dan, I don't want to go back. I don't want to be your's or Phil's sex slave anymore" I sobbed.
   "You're not our sex slave y/n, we just wanted to show you how much we love you" Dan said handing me a tissue to wipe my face.
It was warm and kind of damp. Like it was briefly soaked in something. I smelled it. It was too late to realize what I'd done. Dan had drugged me again and I fell for it. I began to drift off. I tried to fight off the drug but it was too strong.
   "See you in the morning darling" Dan whsipered as I blacked out.

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