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Rye Pov

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Rye Pov

Sami Condo 9:27 am

I woke up on my birthday pissed at Sami, because of how shitty she was to me. Like she didn't spend no time with me. I slow danced with June nasty ass. I laughed at the moment,  but still Sami should have been there but instead she wanted to disappear with some chick.
Doing god knows what.

I rolled over annoyed that she wasnt even in the fucking bed. I was so fucking annoyed. 

Ring ring

"Hello?" I said into the phone

"Happy birthday " mr sam said

"Hey, good morning,  and thank you" I opened my eyes back

"How are you feeling?" He asked

"I'm feeling okay" I replied

"Oh, well, dont get too crazy today" he joked

"I cant promise things, I'm twenty seven now" I joked

"Enjoy" he laughed and hung up

He is so weird sometimes. I finally got up out of the bed, and went in the bathroom and brushed my teeth and faced my face.

I went to walk out the room, and Sami was standing by the room door.

"Good morning baby" she said smiling

"Good morning " I said dryly trying to get past

"Happy birthday to you baby" she stood there smiling

I'm trying to be mad at her, but she keeps smiling.

"Thank you" I said biting my cheek so I dont smile back

"I'm trying to go downstairs sami" I stated

"Of course, but here" she handed me a single pure white rose

"Thank you" I snatched it from her

I started to walk down the stairs and she stopped me

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