58 • Sorrow

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Rye Pov

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Rye Pov

Rye Penthouse Wednesday, 8:33 am

I have been miserable it's been a five days since that shit happened with Sami, I haven't been out the house not one time. I don't wanna be out there, Shay keeps fucking calling me, talking about some bullshit. No matter how I block her she still find a away.

Sami called me and said sorry, I could just hear the pain in her voice as she said it. I couldn't take it I just hung up. I couldn't bare to listen to her voice, as I know what she did.

Now they are telling me maybe something happened to Sami and blah blah, like I get it. Y'all are on her side.

Jess won't give me no privacy, at all. None, Everytime I turn around she is right the there....

"Rye?" She called

"What Jess?" I walked out my room

"That shirt look small as fuck, but I'mma be off to work you gone be okay?" She asked

"My shirt it okay, and yeah my doctor appointment is at 2:30 so I'm good" I added

"Nigga don't forget to tell them about your stomach hurting and shit, love you nigga bye" she walked out

"This shit don't look that fucking small, why do these mother fuckers keep talking about my weight shit. I don't talk about they ugly assess" I changed my shirt

All that was in my head was Sami, Sami this Sami that. Sami Sami Sami.

I needed to get out this place man. My entire place smells just like Sami.

IHop 10:37 am

As soon as I stepped in here I seen her. I knew she was gonna be here but I still came here. Unlani looked dead at me and turned away.

Good stay the fuck away from me. I don't wanna here no bullshit from you now.

I just ordered my food, and waited as it came. I sat there on my phone, looking at my face in the camera, the bruise is going away finally shit.

I couldn't help but back and think about Ulani.

"Don't fucking make me regret this I got enough shit going on" I pointed to the sky

"Can I speak to you?" I tapped Ulani

"Of course" we walked back over to my table and sat down

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