49 • Oh Mother

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Rye Pov

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Rye Pov

Hotel Lobby, Monday 7:58 am

Shit have been fucking hell this last month. And I mean complete fucking hell. Jess is a fucking mess with out June, Awa is Awa, the twins has been working my nerves, Keke out of town, king is I don't even know king is king. And Mel still trying to fuck angel and hitting on me every chance she get, and Sami. Sami Sami Sami. I been trying to jump her bone but she been being weird.

Thank God I have heard from Shay, period nor has Awa, or Mai ugly ass, but Megan she just will not stop. But she will.

I have been seeing Ulani, she is so peaceful to speak with. It's like all my problems go away when we talk at IHOP. I wonder why she is always there.

"Good morning Ms Khon" Mr Sam said as he was walking to me with a girl

"Good morning" I said to them

"Hello" the girl said

"Where is Ms Centre?" He asked

"She..we had an issue on the second floor with a guest" I lied, I didn't know where she was at

"Mhm, okay well...." Sami cut him off

"Wassup po....Good Morning " Sami changed how she talked when she saw her dad face

I wanted to laugh so bad

"What was the issue on the floor?" He asked and she looked at me and I looked away

"A guest was upset about missing towels" she lied

"Okay, well I would like an report of the situation and how it was handled okay" he said

"Yes sir" Sami said

"Okay, so I know you guys have been a little bit behind a but still showing good numbers. I decided that y'all needed some help in the office, so I have hired Ivy Marte, as both of your assistant" he said and Sami was was redder than a white person having been sun burnt

"Oh that's nice" I said shit it was Sami don't do shit

"That's cool" Sami said

"Hi" ivy said to Sami

"Hello" Sami replied

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