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Rye Pov

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Rye Pov

Jess Condo Saturday 12:46 pm

I sat here in jess living room thi king of when I first met Sami. She was a bitch and I was ready to beat her ass that night in the club. I was mean but she was a straight bitch.

That time I threw the entire laptop at her and cut her eyebrow, she still has the scar to this day. I laughed at the thought of how much we both have changed. I'm not as mean as I was.

And well Sami wasnt until she saw me for Thanksgiving, but then now shes different.

I also sat here thinking what if I didnt ber an abortion would Sami still be here, or would she just give up eventually considering how I got pregnant in the first place.

"What you thinking about?" Rylie asked

"Oh, just about stuff" I said

"Like what?" She asked

"How I use to act"

"Crazy, mean, deranged?" She joked

"Basically yes" I laughed

"I think you changed for the better, you grew up that's all" she added

"Do you think Sami would have stayed if I didnt get an abortion?" I asked

"Honestly I think she would have, I know she would have stayed, she loves the ground you walk onthe, why cant you see that? Why you always question her love?" She asked

"Its not that I'm questioning it, it's just who would stay?"

"She would, Sami definitely would. When I first met Sami, I knew she was going to be alone for ever, but then she met my friend rye, and you changed Sami, she mean still but not as bad, she do have her days, but who dont" she stated holding my hands

"Yall both grew up"

"Yeah" I nodded

"Not just yeah it's true okay, stop being down your birthday is tomorrow " she smiled at me

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