Chapter 8: Avoiding Mr Kongthanin

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Yo looked at him in surprise, " did you know?"

Ming sighed, "I am your best friend, I know how to read you. The love bites, it was him right? You don't need to say anything, I connected the dots because it happened today during your work time and the sexual tention between you two? It was too apparent, I think the whole office might know if they see you both together. He stares at you differently, with a certain heat and possessiveness that makes other afraid to approach you."

Yo was stunned into silence, he thought that he kept his secret pretty well but he got caught by his best friend on the first day itself. Without thinking he threw himself on him, hugging him tight.

"I don't know what to do, the more I find reasons to detest him the more I want to find excuses to keep loving and forgiving him. I don't think I can forget him anytime soon, I can't distance myself from him however much I want. I keep finding him more attractive and  more handsome every time i see him. He keep shining brighter and brighter and the most ridiculous part of it? He doesn't even do anything, he didn't seduce me, he is strictly professional most of the time with me and he even scolded me. It's just silly me who keep falling in love with him and loving every bad part of him." Yo was near tears at the end. He never expressed his feeling and insecurities before but now that he did it he felt himself lighter.

Ming passed a smoothing hand on his back, "it's ok Yo, it is not a crime to love someone but in your case that someone is already taken. Even I'm confused, Pha shouldn't have tried to approach you in the first place but why is he doing that? I really want to give you hope that maybe he too is falling in love with you but if it was this case then he should have already broken his engagement. Yo, you don't have any option because he is a taken man so please think well before you do anything ok?"

Yo nodded and rubbed his face on Ming's shirt, wiping his tears and snot on him. Ming pushed him horrified, "hey that's my favorite shirt!"

Yo burst out laughing at his funny sad face. Even Ming was appeased now that his little friend was finally smiling. It won't take him long to get back to his laughing self. They waved goodbye and Yo walked slowly back into the company, thinking hard of what Ming just told him. He wasn't ready to face Pha yet so he went into Josh's office, settling himself comfortably on his long sofa.

"You're sure you won't get in any trouble? I have a feeling that Pha doesn't like it when you are with me, or with anyone else for that matter." Josh asked precauciously eyeing Yo suspiciously.

Yo let his head fall down in defeat, even here he can't escape from Phana. He waved a hand dismissly, "ohh no it's ok, he knows I'm taking a break."

Josh nodded unconvinced, but he couldn't do anything. He can't push the little guy out of his office, he wasn't that heartless. Yo relaxed back, he let his phone back into his office purposely so that Pha can't reach him and threaten him as usual.

Ring ring...

Yo lifted his lifted lazily from the sofa, it was Josh's office phone ringing.

"Yes,......huhhh...yes he's here..." Josh lifted his eyes to look at him. Yo shot up straight, he knew instantly who was talking to Josh. He signalled wildly with his hands to tell him that he was not here.

Josh hesitated but quickly covered him, "he was here a moment ago but now I don't know where he went...."

Yo relaxed back again but Josh stiffened, he looked around wildly before spotting something. He signed and gave up, "ok, I will send him straight back to you."

Yo sat up and looked at him accusingly, Josh shrugged and said, " I tried my best Yo but I couldn't lie because he is watching us from the security cameras. He told me to tell you to return straight away and to not do any mischief because he will be watching you from the cameras, they are all over the place."

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