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Lawrence ran outside and looked around at the empty field. The moonlit grass blew in the breeze, and nothing seemed out of place. 

Except for the fact that there was no Leela in sight.

Lawrence's eyes scanned the area, and he ran to different parts to see if Leela was separating herself from the common garden areas. All he had in his mind was that he need to clear things up.

He walked back into the ballroom after searching the whole field. Lawrence figured that Leela just needed some time alone and that she'd gone back to the Sapphire Owl house to turn in for the night. That was why he never knocked on her door when he got back from the ball.

If only he had checked in on his fiancé. Lawrence E would've realized that things were terribly wrong.

"Oh my goodness, where is she?" 

Gamora sat on the lawn in a circle with her friends, all three of the girls worrying their minds out.  Panic surged through their circle as they thought about their dear friend Leela.

Earlier, the girls were heading outside to get ready to depart. Everyone was ready to go, when Cecily came running up to the prefects that Leela wasn't on the lawn. The girls assumed that Leela was just running a tad bit late whilst getting ready. But Leela was never late.

They waited for a few minutes. Two, to be exact. But they soon realized that they two was too small of a number to describe how late she was, and minutes were too small of a time unit. 

Leela wasn't two minutes late. She was four hours late.

Lawrence ran through the halls as fast as he could and ran over to the rooms in the blue house. He charged up the stairs and rushed over to Leela's room door. He didn't bother to knock, because he had a feeling that she wasn't there.

He barged through the door and was still shocked when he saw that Leela was nowhere to be found. Lawrence felt like he had taken a sucker punch to the gut.

"Leela," he whispered, his eyes scanning the untouched room. The truth hit Lawrence hard.

Leela was missing.

Things couldn't be worse . . .

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