It's Been Arranged (Angelica: Part II)

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Two days later, Angelica woke up with a bubbly feeling in her stomach. Just yesterday, Angelica had been sat down by her parents and was told the news. She pretended to be surprised. Then she put on a happy act. They bought it, but deep down, Angelica wasn't sure how to feel. It was strange to hear the words come straight out of her parents' mouths, as if they became more official. More of a reality.

And yet she didn't know who her husband would be.

Angelica sighed and pushed back the covers, letting her feet hang over the corner of the bed. Angelica eventually carried herself out of bed and drew the curtains open. The sunlight poured in through the window, making Angelica shut her eyes for a few moments. Eventually she opened her eyes and stared out the window. She marveled at the garden below her, and looked out at the sky, enjoying it's right blue color. As far as she could see, not a single cloud was floating. She let a smile make its way to her lips.

Angelica turned around and walked over to her bathroom, where she brushed her teeth and twisted her hair to the top of her head, getting ready to take a shower. She removed her nightgown and folded it neatly. Angelica set her nightgown on the countertop and turned the water on, letting it warm up. Angelica felt quite chilly, so she grabbed her towel and flung it onto the rod as quick as she could, then rushed into the shower. She let herself relax as the warm water poured down her soft pale skin. 

When she finally came out of the shower, steam had formed on the mirror, making her face a small blur. Angelica paid it no mind. Instead, she walked into her closet. 

'I can't meet my husband in nothing but a towel.'

She searched through the rows of dresses that hung in her closet. Her eyes finally laid on one marvelous dress. It was a simple red velvet dress. Its top had a square shaped neck with long laced sleeves. The skirt was long and had ruffles bordered on the bottom. Angelica chose that one.

Once she was in the dress, she realized that it was quite chilly out. She looked for a coat to pull over her dress. She chose a warm black coat, one that had neat velvety cuffs and an elegant feel to it.

Angelica looked in the mirror and started on her hair, running her fingers through the soft blonde locks to experiment. She grabbed a hairbrush and let it make its way through her hair, making it flow neatly. She eventually settled on a few twists piled on top of her head, leaving her bangs out and swept to the side.

Angelica slipped into her heels and walked downstairs where she nervously awaited her new husband.

~Time Skip~

Angelica was in bed, trying to process the day's events. She needed to rest. She was happy about her husband, but upset at the same time. She had mixed feelings.

Angelica reached over her bedside table and switched the lamp light off. She settled back in bed and buried herself under the covers, trying to warm up and clear her head of all her thoughts. Eventually, her eyelids became heavy, and Angelica let the the pull of sleep get the best of her, dragging her into a peaceful abyss.

Now you may be wondering . . . just who is Angelica's future husband?

Well. Her husband was none other than the dreamy Edgar Redmond himself.

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