A Bold Move

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Cecily cruised through her class work feeling quite relaxed. She was in history class, using her open textbooks to use as a reference. Cecily was so focused, unlike a certain someone . . .

Clayton sighed as he rested his cheek on his fist. He looked at Cecily with mixed feelings. Jealousy, anger, and admiration.

He was quite jealous that she could get her work done so easily. He was interested her, and her presence in his classes took away Clayton's focus. That was where the anger came in. He was angry that she looked so enticing. Clayton knew that Cecily didn't consider herself pretty from the way she walked around campus, completely oblivious to the effect her stride had on him.

Then his admiration kicked in. Clayton really liked how Cecily carried herself, with confidence that wasn't intimidating or overwhelming, but enough to make one aware that you can't bring the other down. Clayton also loved how intelligent she was, and her sense of humor. She was hilarious and easy to be around. Clayton appreciated that.

Clayton just wanted Cecily to notice him, as he continued to make failed attempts at getting his work done.

Later, Cecily was walking around with her friends, when she decided to make a stop at the library. She told her friends that she'd see them around and quickly left.

Cecily practically sprinted to the library in excitement, occasionally tripping along the way. Once she finally reached the massive room, Cecily smiled as she scanned the long, seemingly never ending rows of books. She let her fingers run along the bindings of the books, trying to find a book that seemed appealing to her.

Cecily grabbed a blue book from a shelf and opened it up. She scanned the words and read the book summary, deciding it was her cup of tea.

When Cecily was at the librarian's desk and checked out the book, she was about to leave. But the librarian stopped her. 

"Cecily, may I talk to you for a moment?" Mr. Brown, waiting for Cecily to turn around, pushed his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose. 

"Yes, Mr. Brown?" 

Mr. Brown moved from his desk and picked up a form from his drawer, handing it to Cecily. Cecily scanned the form, immediately realizing what this was.

"I've noticed you're one of the regulars, and I'm assuming by now, you know this place by the back of your hand. I could use a little extra help around here, and I think you'd be perfect for the job."

Cecily smiled and nodded her head in excitement. "I'd love to help, sir," she said. Mr. Brown clapped his hands together in joy and laughed. 

"That's perfect! That makes two of you, you and the other boy. Things will function much more properly around here," he said. Cecily cocked an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, did you say . . . two of us?" Mr. Brown took a seat at his desk and nodded, regaining his serious composure. 

"Why, yes, I did. You and Clayton. I'm sure you've met, have you not?" 

"Yes, we have."

"Then that's just swell, isn't it? You start tomorrow. You'll come in every day during passing, just to tidy up a few shelves or two. On the weekends, you'll come here for two hours, just to help sort the books. Does that make sense?"

Cecily smiled politely. "Yes, it does. I'll be there tomorrow to perform my duties well, Mr. Brown, don't you worry." Mr. Brown smiled back.

"I have every confidence that you will, dear. Now run along, class is about to start soon," he said, waving her off.

Cecily left, thinking about her new job and her partner.

The next day during passing, Cecily ran over to the library to attend to her duties. When she entered, she saw Clayton standing by one of the shelves, rearranging some of the books. When he saw her, Clayton have a very awkward wave and continued his duties. 

Cecily grinned. 'He's an awkward one, anyone can tell,' she thought. Cecily walked over to Mr. Brown's desk, where she saw a list of things he had asked them to do while he had to attend a meeting in the teacher's lounge. Cecily decided she would sort some of the recently returned books to put them back in their places. She grabbed a small stack and headed off to the nearest shelf, A-F.

The whole time Cecily was placing the books back in their spots, she could feel a pair of eyes on her. Everytime she turned to glance at Clayton, he was minding his own business, peacefully performing his duties. Or so she thought.

Every time Cecily went back to work, Clayton would sneak a few glances at her, which would eventually become stares. Clayton was really into this girl.

Cecily thought Clayton was handsome, and she admired his intelligence. But she was so good at hiding it. Cecily walked around campus, seemingly unfazed. This had planted a seed of doubt in Clayton's mind, but he was still ready to make the step.

The two didn't talk much, other than a few questions about this book and that. When they were outside, Clayton caught up to Cecily and walked in step with her.

"Hello, Cecily," Clayton said politely. His tone was perfectly even.

"Hi, Clayton," she said, flashing a small smile.

Clayton decided he would cut to the chase.

"Will you go to the dance with me?"

Cecily froze. She nearly dropped the books she was clutching so tightly. She turned around to face Clayton, who looked just as nervous as she did. She thought about the question.

Cecily had never been asked to a dance before. She was always viewed as the nerd of her grade level. She was so tired of people judging her by her appearance. Yes, she knew she was a nerd. But she also knew she was nice, brave, funny, and a great friend. But even then, she never thought someone would ever consider her as a date to a dance.

She really did want to go to the dance, and up until that point, she had considered just staying in her room. Cecily would finally get to experience the wonders of dancing in a beautiful dress with someone you've been waiting to be so close to. And that person would be Clayton. If it had been someone else, she would have politely declined without a second thought. She didn't want to go with anyone else.

Cecily had been secretly hoping that Clayton would reach out to her, but she always shook the thought away, deeming it foolish and irrational. And yet, here they were. The moment had arrived.

Cecily smiled at Clayton and nodded her head. Clayton thought he was dreaming for a second.

"Yes. I'd love to go with you, Clayton." She was so happy, but she kept herself from revealing that, instead flashing him a dreamy smile.

Clayton, who was still shocked, swallowed and said, "T-Thank you. I-I'm looking forward t-to it." He realized later that he had stuttered a bit too much.

Cecily and Clayton were in their own individual rooms, but there was no doubt they were thinking about each other. Cecily was happy she was finally going to experience a dance, and with someone who she was actually attracted to, while Clayton was so happy that he had mustered up the courage to ask out, in his opinion, the prettiest girl in school.

Clayton's bold move had opened a door to what would be a night to remember.

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