An Athlete's Bond

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Gamora's POV

Dinner was over. I was running across the lawn as a shortcut to the Green Lion House. Studying was the last thing on my mind. I was going to play sports until the time came to meet at the Swan Gazebo at 7:15. Did I have anyone to play with? Absolutely not. But that wouldn't stop me. 

I had finally reached the house. I rushed through its massive halls to the east wing and into my room. I threw my school bag on the bed, and grabbed my badminton racket and a birdie. With that, I was already out the door and out onto the court.

It wasn't going to be easy, playing by myself, but I am an independent woman. Ha, if anyone can play badminton by themselves, it's me. I positioned the birdie in front of my racket, as I swung it and the strings hit the head. The birdie went flying in the air, while I ran to the other side of the net. My racket's strings made contact with the birdie again, and it went soaring to the other side.

I played like that for at least 15 minutes. That is, until I saw a shadow behind me. I stopped as I saw the shadow on the ground. I turned around as the birdie hit the ground behind me. It was Grenhill. I almost didn't recognize him, because his hair wasn't in his normal slick back fashion. It was covering part of his sweaty forehead. His cricket class must've just ended.

"Oh. Hello, Greenhill," I said politely. From the amount of time I've spent with him, he always seemed like such a kind person. 

"Please, call me Herman. Greenhill seems too formal. I'm not one for formalities." I smiled. "Well then, Herman, feel free to call me Gamora." He nodded in agreement. "I shall."

His eyes scanned the birdie behind me. They went from the birdie, to the racket in my hands, then up to me. He started to look around to see if anyone else was playing badminton. He started to smirk.

"You're playing badminton by yourself?" He started to chuckle. I turned and scanned the birdie, then the racket in my hands. I turned around to look for anyone who just happened to be around so I could say I wasn't playing by myself. Greenhill was getting a laugh out of this.

"Maybe . . . " I started to laugh. He started to laugh harder, and in between giggles I said, "I see you are laughing at me internally. And externally." He stopped laughing but kept a sweet smile on his face. "I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you." "I doubt that," I said.

He raised an eyebrow as he looked at me. "Would you like me to play with you?" His face seemed . . . eager, in a way. As if he wanted me to say yes.

I smiled and nodded. "I would like that."

We played for three hours, cracking jokes, laughing, and sweating. I was having so much fun. It was starting to get close to 7:00 PM. We stopped playing and walked off to the house. 

"So . . . " Greenhill trailed off. "Yes?" He seemed to consider his words. He finally said, "How are you liking Weston? Is everyone treating you alright?" 

I looked back to all the encounters I've had with the students I've passed by. "Hmm. From what I've seen, everyone has been quite kind to me. Weston seems like a nice and elegant place." "I'm glad to hear that," Herman said sweetly. 

**Time Skip**

We were at the Swan Gazebo, and the boys were huddled in one corner of the room, laughing and chatting. My friends and I were in the opposite corner of the room. 

Angelica, Ignasia, and Leela were quietly eyeing me. I was getting slightly uneasy. "What are you guys looking at?" I asked, demanding answers. 

Ignasia quietly spoke up. "Gamora, keep your voice down. The boys are there." I nodded. "So what's up?" Leela looked at Ignasia, and Angelica kept her eyes on me. "What's up with you and Greenhill? That would be a better question," Leela chuckled. 

My eyes went wide. "How? How'd you know we were playing badminton?" Angelica spoke up. "When you ran off, we were about to head back to our houses, when we saw you playing badminton by yourself. The three of us hid behind a wall and just laughed at you." 

I side eyed her. "Was that necessary?" Ignasia kept a serious expression as she said, "Of course it was. We were about to leave when we saw Greenhill approach you.  Long story short, we became stalkers for an hour." 

Leela smiled and said, "Don't hate me for saying this, but I can honestly see you and Greenhill together." The three nodded. "Nonsense. He was just being nice. And I'm not looking for love. Not now, not never." 

It was Angelica's turn to speak. "Sure. That's what they always say." She started to laugh, and the others started to tease. "But really. You two would be cute," said Angelica. I decided that I could play this game, too. "Fine. If all we're doing is shipping each other, then I can play that way, too," I said confidently. 

Angelica laughed. "Go, then." I looked at Leela and said, "You. You and Bluer." Leela's eyes widened and she glared at me, while Ignasia nodded. "I agree," she said. Leela glared at her and looked at Violet. "Fine then, Ignasia. I can see you and Violet." Ignasia side eyed her, but remained quiet. "You know, I can't be mad that you said that," Ignasia said, smirking. I looked at Angelica with wide eyes, and her mouth was hanging open. Leela laughed hard. "What?!" We all asked a little too loudly. The boys turned and looked at us in confusion, but went back to their conversations. 

All except one. Herman. 

I saw him looking at me with a smirk that was part mischievous , part sweetness. Herman really was quite an interesting person. I felt like I could trust him. I knew one thing for sure.

I wanted to know him better.

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