Lavender Larkspur

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Ignasia slipped into her dress. She wasn't sure how she felt about dancing. She had gone to Gamora for help last minute and got much better, but she still didn't like it. Ignasia felt like it made her look like a fool.

Ignasia was partially excited, though. She was excited to be going with Gregory, and the fact that Ignasia was going to be pretty made her feel a little more confident. Ignasia was always pretty, but she never felt that way.

She stepped in front of the mirror and looked at herself. A smile made its way to Ignasia's lips. The wonderful dress made her skin glow. Ignasia pulled out a pair of diamond earrings. She loved the way they hung and dangled from her ear. 

Ignasia moved on to her hair, playing with it until she settled with a hairstyle. She had chosen a side bun. Her black hair looked beautiful when it was twisted like that. Her hair was held together by two long strands of hair on the sides, and in the back were several twists pinned together that formed a bun.

Ignasia added the final touches, like putting on some violet lipstick and settling into a pair of heels. Then falling over . . . after taking one step. It was beautiful.

She felt as though she were dressed up a little too simple for such an occasion, but something occurred to her. Simple is elegant.

Ignasia left her room and walked down the stairs and stood tall as she strolled to the ballroom while leading the rest of her house members, Chantel following close behind. She felt a sudden pride to be one of St. Albany's prefects when she saw the heads of the prefects and other Weston and St. Albany students turn.

The music was starting, and Chantel ran up to the stage to sing. It was her assignment for the night. Most people were just hanging around to have fun and chat. Ignasia joined her friends and their conversations.

"Ooh, looking sharp, Iggie!" Gamora smiled brightly at Ignasia. The girls exchanged compliments. The truth was they all looked stunning.

The girls started to tease each other about their fiancés. "Angie, Redmond's staring at you," Leela teased.

"Yeah, well, Bluer's staring at you. Take that," Angelica shot back. Leela gave her a petty look, making Gamora laugh. 

"Hey, Iggie. Violet's got his eye on you, too."

"And Greenhill's on you," she replied simply. Leela laughed.

"So our fiancés are staring at their fiancées. Nothing significant has changed," she giggled. The girls laughed.

Then Ignasia saw her future husband from the corner of her eye. 

Ignasia excused herself from her friends. She walked past many people to join Gregory, who had isolated himself from the crowd. When she reached him, she didn't say anything. She didn't have to. Ignasia could read Gregory's eyes, which looked like they had just discovered the most beautiful thing on Earth. Ignasia smiled.

"Hello, Gregory," she said shyly. Gregory, being shy himself, simply nodded his head in acknowledgement. The two stood side by side, eyeing everyone in the room silently. 

After a while, Gregory spoke up. "Ignasia, you look . . ." Ignasia looked at Gregory with a worried expression glued to her face, which made Gregory worried. 

Did I say something wrong? Gregory thought.

Is there something on my face? Oh dear, I must look hideous! Ignasia thought.

Gregory finished his sentence. "You look beautiful, Ignasia. Truly beautiful."

Ignasia smiled, her worried expression melting away. She looked at Gregory with loving eyes. She stared into his eyes, getting lost in the wonders of their light color.

"Thank you, Gregory. And for the record, you look quite handsome." Gregory gave her a small smile, wrapping his arm around her waist. Ignasia felt the comfort in being in Gregory's arm. It reminded her of when Gregory held her close on the bridge in Eledaria Grove. They had snuck there every morning at 4:00 AM after that day, enjoying an early morning stroll in each other's company.

Ignasia Valerius felt like things were finally looking up for her.

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