Visiting Home

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3rd Person

It had been a while since the girls first came to the school, and the students got to have a break. The four girls decided it was time they visited their parents.

Ignasia was hesitant. She loved her mother and two older sisters, but her father? Not so much. Her father beats her mother quite often, and she was both afraid and happy to return home. She would be glad if her mother opened the door, for she was constantly afraid that she would come home to find her mother dead. 

Leela, on the other hand, was quite excited. Leela had six other sisters, two older, four younger. Getting to see them again would be a great feeling for her. She couldn't wait to go home and be welcomed by the scent of tea and cookies.

Gamora. She was both annoyed and happy. She didn't want to see her older brother, Charles. He was married, and never had time for her anymore. And besides, he was never the kindest to her anyways. As for her mother and father. She was quite happy to see them. And her brother's wife, Diana. She was the best. Then there was her little sister. Letticia. Although she's a violent six year old, she is loved none the less. She could barely contain her excitement.

Angelica's parents were quite elegant and contained. She was overjoyed that she would get to see them again. She couldn't wait to pour out her stories about her friends and her adventures. She already had the picture painted in her mind. Her little brothers, Benjamin and Alistair, running out the door and into her arms. Her married older sister, Rebecca, would also be there with her husband, making tea. And her parents? They would rush down form their studies to greet her. Oh, was she excited.

-Time Skip-


Leela stood in front of her home's door and let out a sigh. A smile made its way to her face, as she put down her bags and rang the doorbell. A few seconds passed before Leela's older sister, and the eldest child of the Jenkinson family, Bernadette, answered the door.


"Bernadette! It's wonderful to see you!"

Bernadette enveloped Leela into a hug. Soon enough, her other five sisters came to do the same.

"Hello, Jacqueline," she greeted the second oldest child, then she looked down to greet the jolly little ones. 

"Felicity! My, have you grown! Oh, Agnes, you've grown too! Vera, Clara, how are you two doing? How's school?" asked Leela, as her parents walked in. Helen and Constantine Jenkinson.

"Mother! Father! It is great to see you!" 

"Leela, dear. Look at you, my beautiful daughter!" said Helen. 

"You're almost as tall as your mother," Constantine happily said, earning a playful glare from his wife.

The family spent hours catching up. 


A pair of red heels swung elegantly out from the carriage, as a soft breeze blew Angelica's glamorous blonde curls were blown into her face. She took in the mansion before her as the carriage strode off. She could only take four steps before two overjoyed faces came into her view.

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